Gimenez Vizcaya ‘privatization’ plan is part of a pattern

Gimenez Vizcaya ‘privatization’ plan is part of a pattern

The biggest problem about Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Mr. Giveaway” Gimenez‘s proposal to sort of privatize Vizcaya — putting operations in the hands of a non-profit board that can raise and spend monies without the cumbersome public, transparent processes of government — isn’t that it smells like another land grab or inside deal. It isn’t that it […]

Concerns force workshop on mayor’s Vizcaya ‘privatization’

Concerns force workshop on mayor’s Vizcaya ‘privatization’

Concerns about Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez’s reorganization and expansion plans for Vizcaya Museum have been mounting and will have to be publicly vetted at a commission workshop to be set in the near future. Gimenez, in one of his famous last minute Friday memos, requested a workshop “in light of the public comments and media […]