Vince Lago tries to sneak election date change into strategic plan via committee

Vince Lago tries to sneak election date change into strategic plan via committee

Mayor uses advisory council to push personal agenda Coral Gables commissioners recently got two different versions of Mayor Vince Lago‘s 2023-2025 “strategic priorities plan” within weeks of each other, with one glaring difference: The second one did not have changing the date of the city’s elections from April to November, something that has already been […]

More commission conflict in Coral Gables on heels of mayoral recall effort

More commission conflict in Coral Gables on heels of mayoral recall effort

The first Coral Gables commission meeting Tuesday after the required recall petitions for Mayor Vince Lago were submitted last week was long and a bit awkward for everybody. Ladra cringed a few times. Lago said the Florida Department of Law Enforcement was investigating the recall effort and accused the new three amigos — Commissioners Melissa […]

What happened to all the support for Coral Gables candidate Richard Lara?

What happened to all the support for Coral Gables candidate Richard Lara?

And Vince Lago hasn’t raised any PAC money in a year The establishment candidate propped up against Coral Gables Commissioner Kirk Menendez by the mayor and his cronies has not raised an extraordinary amount of money. Not even close to what was expected. At least that we know of. According to his campaign finance report, […]