The first Coral Gables city budget hearing was in full swing Thursday when Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago ducked out for the unveiling of his fancy clock on Miracle Mile. Quietly. He sort of sneaked out after public comment, during the staff presentation, like he was going to the bathroom. But he never came back. […]
Almost three months after it happened, the investigation into the alleged aggravated assault by Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago against City Manager Amos Rojas at City Hall has been closed — and sources say, no evidence wad found that there were any real threats of violence. According to people on both sides of the June […]
‘Sept. 11 is not a national holiday,’ mayor says That fancy clock for Miracle Mile that Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago said last year would not cost the city a cent, is now a “donation” from his family, Lago says, because he paid the $32,000 installation and hook-up fees himself. This has apparently made him […]
Mayor Vince Lago takes another loss at City Hall The Coral Gables Commission on Tuesday ended the city’s annexation efforts for the Little Gables neighborhood, choosing to respect the wishes of the majority of voters who rejected the annexation in a non-binding straw ballot question last week. Well, everyone but Mayor Vince Lago, who voted […]
Everybody who follows politics knows that there are winners and losers beyond those on the ballot. And in every election, it’s good to reflect on who those victors and has-beens are — and, maybe, why. So, without further ado, a nod to the other winners of the Aug. 20 election — and a nudge to […]
In what can arguably be seen as a referendum on Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago, voters in the City Beautiful clearly and soundly rejected the proposed annexation of Little Gables in a non-binding question on Tuesday’s ballot that is meant to take the citizens’ pulse on the issue. And the citizens’ pulse indicates that the […]
A county judge last week dismissed the defamation lawsuit filed by Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago against Actualidad Media Group for a Spanish-language morning radio broadcast where veteran journalist Roberto Rodriguez Tejera mentioned an investigation by the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust into the mayor’s lack of truthfulness regarding his conflict of interests […]
La votación primaria de este mes para los votantes de Coral Gables incluye una pregunta sobre la anexión propuesta desde hace tiempo de anexar al vecindario de Little Gables a la ciudad, y la votación podría detener el proceso o ayudar a que avance. Probablemente detenga el proceso. El avance o el retroceso depende de […]
The primary ballot this month for Coral Gables voters includes a non-binding question about the long proposed annexation of neighboring Little Gables into the city — and the vote could halt the process or help move it forward. It’s probably going to halt the process. The up or down all depends on who comes out […]
The city of Coral Gables commission is playing chicken with the budget. At stake: Millions of taxpayer dollars. A standoff became clear during the second budget workshop Wednesday and it doesn’t look like it’s going to end well — with a potential $10 million cut in services (and taxes) if commissioners can’t make up their […]