Doral seeks input on update to city transit plan, expanded trolley service

Doral seeks input on update to city transit plan, expanded trolley service

Just in time for the 47-acre Upland Park transit-oriented, mixed use project that is expected to transform the Dolphin Park-and-Ride terminal into a major multimodal transit hub, the city of Doral is looking to update its transit plan, which could also include changes and/or additions to its trolley service. Residents can hear about the transit […]

Rapid Transit Zone standoff between Miami, Miami-Dade goes to mediation

Rapid Transit Zone standoff between Miami, Miami-Dade goes to mediation

This is Round 2 on who controls development UPDATE: This meeting has been cancelled. The city of Miami is fighting the county’s rapid transit zone expansion, calling it harmful to the city residents, and has is ready to file a lawsuit seeking to keep control of zoning regulations within Miami city limits. Next week, the […]

August ballot question on mass transit sounds like same ol’ empty promises

August ballot question on mass transit sounds like same ol’ empty promises

Miami-Dade Commission chair says it ain’t Along with the Miami-Dade County commission, mayoral and judicial races on the August 20 ballot, after the state legislative and party committee candidates and the new constitutional officers, there will be a ballot question about county mass transit. It’s a non-binding, straw ballot, which means that, really, nothing will […]

Miami-Dade wants $125 mil more from surtax and People’s Transportation bond

Miami-Dade wants $125 mil more from surtax and People’s Transportation bond

The Citizens Independent Transportation Trust will have a special meeting Thursday afternoon to consider giving $125 million in additional funds from the county transportation surtax funds and People’s Transportation Plan bond program to Miami-Dade’s Department of Transit and Public Works for ongoing architectural and engineering projects. But there are few details. Several questions asked by […]

CITT rejects Eileen Higgins’ strike to strip oversight on transit contracts

CITT rejects Eileen Higgins’ strike to strip oversight on transit contracts

One member called the proposed amendments a ‘power grab’ The Citizens Independent Transportation Trust, which provides oversight of the half penny sales tax spending, unanimously rejected on Wednesday an attempt by Miami-Dade Commissioner Eileen Higgins to sideline them. Higgins has proposed amending the process so that projects that would normally go to the CITT first […]

Local transit workers union endorses candidates in local, state, federal races

Local transit workers union endorses candidates in local, state, federal races

AFSCME and AFL-CIO also provide their slates for Aug. 23 primary The largest union in Miami-Dade, representing more than 2,100 transportation workers — Metrorail, MetroMover and MetroBus operators and support staff — announced Tuesday a bunch of local, state and federal endorsements for the Aug. 23 primary election. Transport Workers Union Local 291 President Jeffrey […]

Miami-Dade: $9 mil no-bid contract for private transit provider hops around

Miami-Dade: $9 mil no-bid contract for private transit provider hops around

Transit workers leader calls for end of private service Nobody wants to touch the $9 million no-bid contract the Miami-Dade county administration wants to give to Transportation America for privatized bus routes. It’s a hot potato that keeps getting passed around. The contract was first up at the Citizens Independent Transportation Trust on April 28, […]

Troubled private transit provider to get no-bid $9 mil Miami-Dade contract

Troubled private transit provider to get no-bid $9 mil Miami-Dade contract

Company tied to hundreds of thousands in campaign contributions For at least five years, Miami-Dade County has been contracting out select bus routes and neighborhood circulators to a private company owned by prolific campaign contributors. Transportation America, which also goes by the names of Limousines of South Florida and Super Nice STS, has other contracts […]

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