First to burn: City Attorney Tricky Vicky Mendez Ladra is still reeling from the last Miami City Commission meeting. So much torture and pleasure at the same time. So much happened in a span of eight and a half hours. Forgive the tardiness, but we’re still shellshocked over here. And there’s already another promising meeting […]
He was absent from the redistricting process when the Miami City Commission disenfranchised black and Coconut Grove voters by dividing their districts and diluting their votes. He let Commissioner Joe Carollo carve up the Grove so he could put his own house into District 3 and he let Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla take […]
Miami City Attorney Victoria Mendez should be shopping for a new job. Newly-elected Commissioner Miguel Gabela, who said on the campaign trail that he would fire Mendez, has put her termination on the agenda of his first regularly scheduled meeting Dec. 14. Gabela’s office has requested some information in advance of that meeting: How much […]
Talk about awkward: Steven Miro, the former chief of staff fired by Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo in 2018, is back at City Hall this week as special advisor to newly elected Commissioner Miguel Gabela. Miro said his job would be to run the district offices and “make sure the constituent services are up to par, […]
As always, the candidates in our local elections are not the only ones who win or lose come Election Day. A bunch of influence peddlers, lobbyists, developers, consultants, environmentalists, preservationists and other special interests will float up with the winners on the ballot, or go down the losers’ proverbial drains. And this has become somewhat […]
Commissioner Elect vows to fire city attorney It’s interesting that the name Miguel translates to Michael in English — because on Tuesday, Allapattah auto parts dealer Miguel Gabela became the archangel who drove the devil out of Miami. Gabela, who has run three times prior to this, beat former Miami Commissioner Alex Diaz de la […]
It may seem unbelievable, but 1,571 people in Miami voted for a man who stands accused of public corruption charges like bribery and money laundering and unlawful compensation from abusing the very position they want to put him back into. What are these people smoking? Former commissioner (because he was suspended by the governor after […]
In the Miami District 1 race, candidate Mercedes “Merci” Labrada Rodriguez is fighting for a runoff spot against auto parts dealer Miguel Gabela, who four years ago forced a runoff with suspended Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla, who was arrested in September on public corruption charges. Though he will likely be suspended by the […]
As the Miami election deadline approaches Tuesday, there is one thing that is practically certain: It won’t end there. We won’t have winners in two of the three districts on the ballot. Sure, Commissioner Manolo Reyes will win easy peasy over whoever that guy is that threw his hat in at the last minute and […]
But nobody cared that ADLP lived out of the district Earlier this month, a judge ruled that Miami auto parts dealer Miguel Gabela — who moved into a second property after his first home was drawn out of District 1 during redistricting — could remain on the Nov. 7 ballot and that votes for him […]