Miami tree removal ordinance changes unnecessary and tainted by lobbyists

Miami tree removal ordinance changes unnecessary and tainted by lobbyists

The controversial and massive changes to Miami’s tree ordinance — which regulates the removal and pruning of trees — are seemingly unnecessary and, worse, directed by the development industry, which taints the legislation. Everyone knows that Commissioner Miguel Gabela, the dope they roped to sponsor this, is going to defer the vote at Thursday’s commission […]

Miami commission meeting becomes Miguel Gabela vs. Manolo Reyes bout

Miami commission meeting becomes Miguel Gabela vs. Manolo Reyes bout

The city commission meeting Thursday turned into a shouting match between commissioners Miguel “Mike” Gabela and Manolo Reyes basically because of the contentious fight on the self-serving lifetime pensions for electeds that Gabela has championed twice before changing his mind, also twice. Gabela said he stood by the principle of his idea, which was to […]

Miami commissioners slap residents in the face with lifetime pensions vote

Miami commissioners slap residents in the face with lifetime pensions vote

One lifeline: Mayor Francis Suarez could veto In Miami on Tuesday, city commissioners voted 3-2 to give themselves lifetime pensions after Commissioner Miguel Gabela went back on his word to put the question before voters in a referendum, which he said on an AM radio show in August. Commissioners Damian Pardo and Manolo Reyes voted […]

Fight over Omni CRA causes new rifts, alliances on Miami City Commission

Fight over Omni CRA causes new rifts, alliances on Miami City Commission

The first city of Miami budget hearing on Saturday was dominated by a plea from the community to increase police patrols, especially in the Downtown Miami area and marine officers on the Miami River. But the discussion on the dais was dominated by the growing tension between District 2 Commissioner Damian Pardo and commissioners Miguel […]

Lifetime pensions for Miami electeds should go to a public referendum vote

Lifetime pensions for Miami electeds should go to a public referendum vote

If there was ever something that should go to a referendum for voter approval, it is pensions for our electeds. And Miami city commissioners should go to the ballot if they want to reward their behavior and “hard work” with lucrative lifetime retirement benefits. It’s not too late. The deadline for municipalities to submit a […]

Miami’s stalled LED sign repeal gets hijacked by an Orange Barrel lobbyist

Miami’s stalled LED sign repeal gets hijacked by an Orange Barrel lobbyist

‘Compromise’ amendment makes significant changes The bold ordinance that would effectively repeal the city of Miami’s new regulations that allow for those oversized, illuminated digital signs in public parks and spaces — which has been debated and deferred for more than three months — has basically been gutted. How did that happen? Well, the lobbyists, […]

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