Complaint vs Miami Mayor Francis Suarez may show Sunshine Law breach

Complaint vs Miami Mayor Francis Suarez may show Sunshine Law breach

The Florida Bar last week dismissed two complaints filed by former Miami Commissioner Ken Russell — who later announced that he would run for mayor (more on that later) — against former City Attorney Victoria Mendez and Mayor Francis Suarez, who is an attorney, after the latter gave the Miami Freedom Park developers back the $20 million they […]

Miami Commissioners to discuss homeless, Virginia Key, Freedom Park

Miami Commissioners to discuss homeless, Virginia Key, Freedom Park

Where will the city of Miami hide its homeless population? That’s something commissioners may discuss at Thursday’s commission meeting. Last month, Commissioner Joe Carollo first proposed a concentration camp of “tiny homes” on Virginia Key to, basically, bus the homeless to and hide them away from anyone in the city. Such an eyesore! That did […]

Ken Russell’s about face on Miami Freedom Park vote seals political fate

Ken Russell’s about face on Miami Freedom Park vote seals political fate

Miami Commissioner Ken Russell lost the U.S. Senate race Thursday. No, the election didn’t come early. It’s still in November. And maybe he would have lost anyway. But Russell’s sudden and unjustifiable switch on the Miami Freedom Park lease agreement — even with amendments made on the fly — is going to haunt him in […]

Miami Freedom Park deal looms as commissioners bargain for their votes

Miami Freedom Park deal looms as commissioners bargain for their votes

Everybody wants something. While there may be a discussion Thursday, the Miami city commission vote on the Miami Freedom Park real estate giveaway is likely a ways off, as commissioners still have not had a chance yet to make their public asks (which are different from campaign contributions). And this will be the first public […]