The year of the underdog? Candidates breaking the mold

The year of the underdog? Candidates breaking the mold

The runoffs in Miami and Miami Beach on Tuesday ushered two unknown, first-time candidates to their respective city commission seats against established and well-financed opponents who were front runner favorites. Some political observers are looking at the victories of both Ken Russell in Miami and Kristen Rosen Gonzalez in Miami Beach as yet another sign of […]

Miami vote still counts despite Teresa Sarnoff tapping out

Miami vote still counts despite Teresa Sarnoff tapping out

Some voters might think they don’t have to vote for Ken Russell in the Miami commission runoff election Tuesday. After all, Teresa Sarnoff, wife of the termed-out incumbent, withdrew from the race after Russell beat her almost 2 to 1 two weeks ago. He’s basically the commissioner already. Well, yes… and no. The city attorney’s […]

Two stars may rise from city of Miami election upset

Two stars may rise from city of Miami election upset

In the wake of Tuesday night’s surprising upset in the city of Miami elections — where a relatively unknown park activist beat the tar out of the well-financed wife of a well-known sitting commissioner — everyone wants to know who Ken Russell really is. The good looking young man, former professional Yo Yo player, father […]