Why is Joe Carollo on Mayor Carlos Gimenez camp’s payroll?

Why is Joe Carollo on Mayor Carlos Gimenez camp’s payroll?

It stands out. Former Miami Mayor Joe Carollo — who lashed out publicly and loudly against alleged and rampant corruption in the city of Doral after he was fired as city manager — is on the payroll for the campaign to re-elect Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Tainted Boy” Gimenez. He’s been paid $6,000 a month for consulting […]

Ex Doral Manager Joe Carollo keeps talking post firing

Ex Doral Manager Joe Carollo keeps talking post firing

If they thought they had neutralized former Doral City Manager Joe Carollo when they fired him, Mayor Luigi Boria and the councilwomen who voted for his ouster have another thing coming. He’s never talked so much. Carollo — coming off a TV show and radio tour — told Ladra that he was going to have […]

Doral starts manager search; gets first ‘No Thanks’

Doral starts manager search; gets first ‘No Thanks’

The city of Doral — which has gone through three city managers in 18 months — will take up to 60 days to find the right replacement for its last administrator, former Miami Mayor Joe Carollo, who was fired Monday in a 3/2 vote. One candidate, however, has already said ‘Thanks but no thanks.’ Mayor […]

Doral: Joe Carollo fired amid shots at heated meeting

Doral: Joe Carollo fired amid shots at heated meeting

As expected, Doral City Manager Joe Carollo was fired Monday in a special meeting called by Vice Mayor Christi Fraga. Public Works Director Jose Olivo will serve as interim manager until Mayor Luigi Boria — who looked like it was Christmas — nominates someone new. The council talked about having someone in place in 30 […]

Updated: Doral’s Joe Carollo has bribery claims as he is fired

Updated: Doral’s Joe Carollo has bribery claims as he is fired

Doral City Manager Joe Carollo, who survived an attempt by Mayor Luigi Boria to oust him last October, says he will likely be out of a job Monday. The common perception is that Councilwoman Christy Fraga, who had voted against Carollo’s firing the first round in October, has changed her mind and will become the […]

Doral State of the City address or confessional? Can’t wait

Doral State of the City address or confessional? Can’t wait

What with the political war between the mayor and the city manager, the multiple ethics and corruption investigations and the whispers of a recall against Doral Mayor Luigi Boria, Wednesday’s State of the City address may be a little more titillating than these sort of things traditionally are. It’s his first State of the City […]

Doral dominos continue to fall after scandal, no Miss USA

Doral dominos continue to fall after scandal, no Miss USA

Doral seems to be spiraling downward with a constant barrage of blows in the wake of scandalous accusations and an escalating feud between the mayor and the city manager. In the past few weeks, Mayor Luigi Boria has lost two assistants, the city has come under investigation for ethics and possible criminal violations, a group […]

Community group asks Gov. Scott to intervene in Doral mess

Community group asks Gov. Scott to intervene in Doral mess

DEVELOPING STORY: A group of community activists in Doral have asked Florida Gov. Rick Scott to intervene in the city’s mess. The Doral Community Coalition wrote a letter to Scott last week asking him to appoint a special prosecutor to look into the allegations about possible public corruption and conflicts of interest that have arisen […]

Doral Mayor Luigi Boria’s assistant quits amid probe

Doral Mayor Luigi Boria’s assistant quits amid probe

An assistant of Doral Mayor Luigi Boria‘s, who had worked on his campaign last year, resigned Monday amid allegations that there were campaign finance law violations related to the rental of the campaign office. Gonzalo Bello, who pretty much ran the day-to-day operations at the shopping strip campaign office and later became the mayor’s administrative […]

Joe Carollo goes off the reservation, naming names in Doral

Joe Carollo goes off the reservation, naming names in Doral

Doral City Manager Joe Carollo might want to get a bodyguard or some protective custody from the FBI, maybe. That’s because he went on a verbal rampage Tuesday night and threw everybody under the bus in an effort to defend himself against allegations of acting unprofessionally with a business associate and friend of Mayor Luigi […]