UPDATED: Miami City Manager Emilio Gonzalez, who resigned under political pressure last week — and said Sunday that he will probably leave within a couple of weeks — will not finally get a chance to speak to his bosses on Thursday and publicly address allegations that he abused his office. We’ll have to make do for […]
Did any of you notice how quickly and efficiently City Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla seized the power for himself and his faction on Friday? Without any discussion on the matter — and, in fact, interrupting the discussion about the manager’s resignation and the allegations about him — ADLP moved on the appointment of […]
The Miami city manager’s sudden resignation Friday has been an exit in the works for months, a power play so commissioners can bring in their own man, say several political observers and sources close to City Hall. Word is that man is Miami Parking Authority Director Arthur Noriega. Under normal circumstances, former assistant city manager Joe […]
Miami City Manager Emilio Gonzalez resigned Thursday, trying to take the high road, rather than face a commission hell bent on having him fired and/or investigated in what looks like a vindictive smear job and power play, starring Commissioner Joe Carollo, who has been trying to fire him for months. Is Ladra the only one […]
P0litical strategist and organizer Juan Cuba, former executive director of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party, has a great idea: Let’s recall Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo. And he is not alone. After a meltdown at the city commission meeting last week in which Carollo picked a fight with Chairman Keon Hardemon and then he and his partner in crime, […]
A group representing 35,000 Brickell area homeowners is suing to stop the Ultra Music Festival — which was kicked out of downtown Miami this year — from happening on Virginia Key at the end of this month. The emergency complaint filed Wednesday in Miami-Dade Circuit Court claims the city schemed to bypass the public bidding […]
Hey! Alex Diaz de la Portilla! You just lost two elections, one for Senate and one for county commission, and the Little Havana house you were born in was foreclosed on last week by the bank, which is putting it up for sale because you owe them $638,000. What are you going to do next? Why, […]
To show how far he’s fallen from a bright future to a powerless present, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez turned into a sniveling baby begging Commissioner Joe Carollo for respect at a public meeting last week. This was right before the commission approved the first chunk of the $400 Miami Forever bond approved by voters in […]
In a resounding defeat to Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, voters solidly rejected the strong mayor initiative by 65% of the vote Tuesday — a signal that the new mayor doesn’t exactly have the mandate he thought he had. Is Francis the Future suddenly the Prince of the Past? Maybe it wasn’t a complete loss. Voters […]
It looks like Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo loves a good spanking. After getting smacked down by a Miami-Dade Circuit Court judge who said his lawsuit to block the strong mayor referendum on the city ballot had absolutely no merit whatsoever, Carollo filed an appeal late Thursday — an 11th hour hail Mary to deny voters the […]