Miami’s Francis Suarez loses big as voters reject strong mayor measure

Miami’s Francis Suarez loses big as voters reject strong mayor measure

In a resounding defeat to Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, voters solidly rejected the strong mayor initiative by 65% of the vote Tuesday — a signal that the new mayor doesn’t exactly have the mandate he thought he had. Is Francis the Future suddenly the Prince of the Past? Maybe it wasn’t a complete loss. Voters […]

Gimenez vs Suarez war of words heats up with new radio spot

Gimenez vs Suarez war of words heats up with new radio spot

As the war of words between Carlos Gimenez and his family and Xavier Suarez and his family continues to heat up, a new radio spot paid by the Suarez PAC began to air Tuesday — calling Gimenez a fraud. Suarez narrates the Spanish language, 60-second spot and makes comparisons between Gimenez and his son, Miami […]

For strong mayor, soccer, Miami Riverside Center — just say no

For strong mayor, soccer, Miami Riverside Center — just say no

While this year’s Florida ballot is long on state amendments, city of Miami voters only have to remember three little words when it comes to their city questions: Just say no. None of the Miami referendums put to voters should pass because none of them pass the smell test. Ladra will dissect them one at a […]

Judge calls Joe Carollo sore loser, rips apart strong mayor lawsuit

Judge calls Joe Carollo sore loser, rips apart strong mayor lawsuit

A Miami-Dade judge on Saturday ripped apart, er, ruled against a lawsuit filed by Miami Commissioner Crazy Joe Carollo in an 18-page spanking, uh, decision that basically calls him a sore loser who ran to the court after he failed to get his way on the commission. Carollo is against the strong mayor referendum that […]

Miami Commissioner Manolo Reyes campaigns early as opponent is rumored

Miami Commissioner Manolo Reyes campaigns early as opponent is rumored

It took him more than 30 years to finally get a seat at the table, or rather dais. But less than 12 months after being elected to the Miami city commission last November, Manolo Reyes is already campaigning again for next year. He hasn’t really stopped. With $116,000 already in the campaign coffers, according to campaign reports […]

3 reasons why Carlos Gimenez will jack his salary: Pension, Suarez, mo’ money

3 reasons why Carlos Gimenez will jack his salary: Pension, Suarez, mo’ money

There seems to be some question as to whether or not Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez  is going to actually increase his own salary. While county commissioners approved a budget Thursday that maxes it out at $250,000 — which is $100K more than he makes right now — Gimenez was coy with the media about whether […]

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