Complaint vs Miami Mayor Francis Suarez may show Sunshine Law breach

Complaint vs Miami Mayor Francis Suarez may show Sunshine Law breach

The Florida Bar last week dismissed two complaints filed by former Miami Commissioner Ken Russell — who later announced that he would run for mayor (more on that later) — against former City Attorney Victoria Mendez and Mayor Francis Suarez, who is an attorney, after the latter gave the Miami Freedom Park developers back the $20 million they […]

Rapid Transit Zone standoff between Miami, Miami-Dade goes to mediation

Rapid Transit Zone standoff between Miami, Miami-Dade goes to mediation

This is Round 2 on who controls development UPDATE: This meeting has been cancelled. The city of Miami is fighting the county’s rapid transit zone expansion, calling it harmful to the city residents, and has is ready to file a lawsuit seeking to keep control of zoning regulations within Miami city limits. Next week, the […]

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez jokes at SOTC about public trust, transparency

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez jokes at SOTC about public trust, transparency

He must have been joking, right? In his State of the City address Tuesday, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez talked about transparency and public trust. “Public office is a public trust. We demonstrate that trust by regular disclosures and dedicated hard work,” Suarez said, and it just proves he doesn’t know what public trust is: Electeds […]

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez to deliver State of the City address Tuesday

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez to deliver State of the City address Tuesday

He should just apologize. When Miami Mayor Francis Suarez delivers his State of the City address on Tuesday, he should open with a general apology to the residents and business owners who have had to put up with not just the crappy conditions of streets and parks and services, but also the corruption that permeates […]

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