‘Latino-loving’ GOP silent on Donald Trump insults

‘Latino-loving’ GOP silent on Donald Trump insults

We keep hearing that the national Republican Party wants to include more Hispanics and appeal to more Latino voters. They keep saying that they respect our values and are better able to represent them. But when one of their own calls a large group of Hispanics in the U.S. drug dealers and rapists, the GOP […]

Donald Trump announces: Stupid losers, make me POTUS

Donald Trump announces: Stupid losers, make me POTUS

Political Cortadito guest columnist Grant Stern waxes on The Donald. Grab your popcorn, folks! And suspend any logical thought. The words Orville Redenbacher, John Stewart and others have been waiting to hear from Donald Trump for years have arrived: “I am officially running for President of the United States and we are going to make this […]

It’s hard to believe Donald Trump & Carlos Gimenez

It’s hard to believe Donald Trump & Carlos Gimenez

As we learn more and more about billionaire Donald Trump‘s proposal to run the Crandon Golf Course on Key Biscayne for the next 99 years, it becomes increasingly difficult to believe either The Donald or his biggest county champion, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Mr. Giveaway” Gimenez. Let’s start with Trump, not because it’s any easier to […]

Carlos Gimenez’s next mancrush giveaway to Donald Trump

Carlos Gimenez’s next mancrush giveaway to Donald Trump

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Mr. Giveaway” Gimenez has apparently never met a billionaire he didn’t like — or didn’t want to give public money and assets to. The latest mayoral mancrush in his stream of bromances with billionaires is with Donald Trump. Hope Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross and soccer star David Beckham aren’t too jealous. […]

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