So far, only President Donald’s Trump executive orders on Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests have sparked protests and discussions about the impacts in Miami-Dade, where Mayor Carlos Gimenez ordered the corrections department to start holding illegal immigrants for 48 hours. But on Wednesday, the talk turns to the Muslim Ban. That’s when the Miami-Dade […]
He may not have gotten his hands on our public golf course, but President Donald Trump gets to keep a golf cart and pedestrian bridge on Miami-Dade property for the next ten years. And it only cost the millionaire leader of the free world $7,200, which the county said was fair market price. Quietly and […]
After Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez buckled to President Donald Trump‘s threats to keep federal funds from “sanctuary cities” and he issued his directive to have illegal immigrants with federal detention orders held by county corrections officers for Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, immigration activists and their friends have protested at County Hall — twice. But on Tuesday, […]
Once again, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez is going to be on the wrong side of history. Thursday’s decision to kowtow to the petulant policies of our new president, Donald Trump, is a new low for Gimenez, who has instructed the corrections department to start detaining illegal immigrants that are arrested on unrelated crimes until federal authorities […]
Gathering photos of our electeds from social media sites to share with you, dear readers, is time consuming and laborious and not all that personally fulfilling, which is why Ladra stopped doing it months ago. But this week marks a special ocassion. We had a few South Florida politicos in D.C. for the inauguration festivities […]
During his re-election campaign last year, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez could not distance himself fast or far enough from then Republican candidate for POTUS Donald J. Trump. Our Republican Cuban-American mayor even urged Trump to drop out of the race and endorsed Hillary Clinton late in the race — in a blatant grab for black and […]
If Hillary Clinton and her supporters think they already regret the day she uttered the words “basket of deplorables,” they will soon realize things can always get worse. Sure, there has been an explosion of deplorables t-shirts and mugs and mouse pads. But now there is also a movement that could haunt Democrats for years. […]
In one of his last ditch efforts to keep his seat, Doral Mayor Luigi Boria — forced into a runoff Tuesday — posted a new Facebook video last week in which he compares himself to President-elect Donald Trump. “Both have achieved the dream of using their experience as successful businessmen to serve the community and this […]
Mayor Carlos Gimenez, wishy washy as ever, was a day late and a dollar short Thursday when he put out a statement supporting the deferred action on immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children. “This morning, I was briefed on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). I fully support the extension of […]
It’s understandable. People want to vent. To say that not everybody is happy or even okay with the presidential election Tuesday would be so much more than the understatement of the year. Everybody is so not okay. Thousands of people from Portland to New York City marched to protest the election results, chanting “Fuck Donald […]