Miami voters could say no to political retreads or professional politicians by extending term limits this November. City Commissioner Damian Pardo wants to put a charter amendment on the Nov. 4 ballot so that elected officials who have served on the commission or as mayor for two terms cannot come back and run for office after […]
After several months of holding the Omni Community Redevelopment Agency hostage, Miami Commissioner Miguel Gabela — who has pushed for its expansion into Allapattah, the heart of his District 1 — looks like he is ready to compromise with a CRA all his own. Miami Commissioners last month directed City Manager Art Noriega to expedite […]
The controversial and massive changes to Miami’s tree ordinance — which regulates the removal and pruning of trees — are seemingly unnecessary and, worse, directed by the development industry, which taints the legislation. Everyone knows that Commissioner Miguel Gabela, the dope they roped to sponsor this, is going to defer the vote at Thursday’s commission […]
The first city of Miami budget hearing on Saturday was dominated by a plea from the community to increase police patrols, especially in the Downtown Miami area and marine officers on the Miami River. But the discussion on the dais was dominated by the growing tension between District 2 Commissioner Damian Pardo and commissioners Miguel […]
Residents continue lawsuit to block amendment Voters in the city of Miami voted yes down the line to three referendums on the Aug. 20 ballot. The first two questions will replace the city’s auditor general with a new office of inspector general, which has broader investigative powers. More on how that office will work later. […]
City will seek action against existing sign at PAMM After hearing from more than 65 residents from all five city districts speak against the mega LED billboards on public land, and then taking a long break for lunch, Miami Commissioners voted Thursday 4-1 to rollback the ordinance that allows the mega signs in the downtown […]
Says liability, not lobbyist pal, swayed him The Miami City Commission will on Thursday again take up the proposed repeal of a 2023 ordinance that allows for giant LED billboards in public spaces downtown. And, despite the pleas of dozens of residents during at least four public hearings since January, it is poised to finally […]
‘Compromise’ amendment makes significant changes The bold ordinance that would effectively repeal the city of Miami’s new regulations that allow for those oversized, illuminated digital signs in public parks and spaces — which has been debated and deferred for more than three months — has basically been gutted. How did that happen? Well, the lobbyists, […]
Less than two weeks after removing Miami City Attorney Vicky Mendez from her position earlier this month and demoting her to a transitional, ceremonial post, commissioners could name a permanent replacement on Thursday. And Interim City Attorney George Wysong is the recommendation from a selection committee made almost entirely of land use and zoning lobbyists. […]
If Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo really wants to see his bank statements, Commissioner Damian Pardo is ready to prove that he used part of his lifelong savings to self-fund his campaign for the District 2 seat last year. All Carollo has to do is resign. “I’m not giving them to him for nothing,” Pardo told […]