Trump loving ‘nodding lady’ Mayra Joli runs for Coral Gables city commission

Trump loving ‘nodding lady’ Mayra Joli runs for Coral Gables city commission

This April’s interesting Coral Gables election just got more interesting: Mayra Joli, the “nodding lady” from President Donald Trump‘s Miami town hall earlier this year has joined the Group 2 commission contest. Jolly filed paperwork Tuesday to run in an already crowded seat that is shaping up as a battle between Jose Valdes-Fauli, the brother […]

Coral Gables mayoral race in April shapes up as Pat Keon vs Vince Lago

Coral Gables mayoral race in April shapes up as Pat Keon vs Vince Lago

Updated: That fight over development on Miracle Mile at the last Coral Gables Commission meeting between Commissioner Pat Keon and Vice Mayor Vince Lago was just a preview of the mayoral race to unfold over the next few months in the City Beautiful. Keon told Ladra Monday that she was, indeed, going to run for […]

Amid accusations, protest, Coral Gables commission stops bike lane project

Amid accusations, protest, Coral Gables commission stops bike lane project

And a city staffer may have fudged grant documents Gables residents, 2 – City staff, 0 The Coral Gables Commission on Tuesday voted with a group of residents who don’t want bike lanes in front of their Alhambra Circle homes, nixing the second such project in less than two years. Last year, homeowners on Riviera Drive […]

Spotted: CJ Gimenez at Gables bike lane meet — lobbyist or candidate?

Spotted: CJ Gimenez at Gables bike lane meet — lobbyist or candidate?

UPDATED: Miami-Dade Mayoral Son CJ Gimenez, the lobbyist, was at a meeting Saturday of Coral Gables residents who live on Alhambra Circle and on the side streets along the planned bicycle lanes from Coral Way to San Amaro Drive. That’s nowhere near his house. So why was he there? CJ Gimenez lives much further away than […]

Unpopular bike lanes stir rally, may be halted by Coral Gables mayor Tuesday

Unpopular bike lanes stir rally, may be halted by Coral Gables mayor Tuesday

For the second time, it looks like bike lanes are going to be nixed in Coral Gables. Mayor Raul Valdes-Fauli has a resolution on the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting “directing the City Manager and City Staff to cease further consideration of bicycle lanes on Alhambra Circle as part of the Alhambra Circle Complete Streets Project.” […]