Ralph Cutié picks Miami-Dade over Coral Gables after PAC text attack

Ralph Cutié picks Miami-Dade over Coral Gables after PAC text attack

The possibility that Miami-Dade Aviation Director Ralph Cutié would become the next city manager in Coral Gables was very short-lived. On Tuesday, Cutié — who oversees operations at the beleaguered Miami International Airport — was named as a potential (preferred?) replacement for City Manager Peter Iglesias, whose third vote for termination from Commissioner Kirk Menendez […]

Coral Gables commissioner, manager spar at City Commission meeting

Coral Gables commissioner, manager spar at City Commission meeting

Coral Gables City Manager Peter Iglesias can count. Only because he knows he has three votes, can the manager lash out at Commissioner Ariel Fernandez like he did at Tuesday’s city commission meeting. Se puso feo. “You are the most disrespectful person,” the manager told him. They were talking about the lease at Fritz & […]

Shake-up, power grab at Coral Gables P&Z board as Claudia Miro is ‘fired’

Shake-up, power grab at Coral Gables P&Z board as Claudia Miro is ‘fired’

Coral Gables Commissioner Rhonda Anderson has booted Claudia Miro, a onetime commission candidate, from the planning and zoning board, saying her attendance, or lack thereof, is the reason. But the timing and circumstances point to another motive: Miro, who was recently reappointed by Anderson, voted last month against naming former Commissioner Wayne “Chip” Withers the […]

Coral Gables commission considers moving elections to November

Coral Gables commission considers moving elections to November

Change could give Mayor Vince Lago an additional 20 months in office To increase participation and reduce costs, the Coral Gables Commission may move the city’s biannual elections from April to November. But the question is, will they start in 2024 or 2026? The earlier option, moving the April 2025 election to November 2024, means […]

In Coral Gables runoff, establishment lobbyist faces grass roots resident

In Coral Gables runoff, establishment lobbyist faces grass roots resident

The runoff for the commission seat in Coral Gables is really a contest between a well-connected, super funded lobbyist with a semi-famous last name, and a relatively unknown business woman with no money and an unfortunate last name. Guess who the establishment has chosen. Ivette Arango O’Doski, whose mother owns the well-known Arango Interiors, has […]