(This is a translation of this story published days ago.) El Departamento de Elecciones de Miami-Dade ha rechazado cerca de 13.000 peticiones (o una abrumadora mayoría de ellas) recopiladas por el grupo Accountable Coral Gables para incluir tres preguntas en la boleta electoral en Coral Gables este noviembre. Y huele mal. El comité de acción […]
Updated: The Miami-Dade Elections Department has rejected close to 13,000 petitions — or an overwhelming majority of signatures — collected by the Accountable Coral Gables group to put three questions on the November ballot. And something smells fishy. The political action committee, chaired by Mayor Vince Lago‘s ally and former candidate Alex Bucelo, turned in […]
The political war in Coral Gables has just gone nuclear. Mayor Vince Lago, who has been spiraling, having public meltdowns and is now under investigation for allegedly assaulting the city manager during a meeting earlier this week, sent his usual email newsletter Thursday — and used it to refute any wrongdoing and lash out at […]
Loses attempt to block Javier Baños from board What a openly obvious hypocrite Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago is. It’s the only thing he’s transparent about. Lago tried to block the appointment Tuesday of Javier Baños, a former commission candidate and the new publisher of Gables Insider — which he took over from Commissioner Ariel […]
A political action committee collecting signatures to get three referendums on the ballot in Coral Gables submitted the first batch of petitions Friday for two of the measures. Gables City Clerk Billy Urquia said he received 2,078 signed petitions for a charter amendment to require a voter referendum approval before elected officials can raise their […]
Mayor uses advisory council to push personal agenda Coral Gables commissioners recently got two different versions of Mayor Vince Lago‘s 2023-2025 “strategic priorities plan” within weeks of each other, with one glaring difference: The second one did not have changing the date of the city’s elections from April to November, something that has already been […]
The “undersigned residents of Coral Gables” who supposedly penned the letter to the editor supporting Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago and urging against his recall are a bunch of developers and other Lago lackeys, some with financial interests in the City Beautiful. The content of the letter (which was probably really written by campaign consultant […]
Timing is suspect; alleged violation was six months ago Last week, someone filed an ethics complaint against longtime Coral Gables activist Maria Cruz, alleging that she exploited her official position as a volunteer member of the city’s code enforcement board. The complainant: Rainmaker Brian Goldmeier, a fundraising consultant for many politicians — including Coral Gables […]
No, it’s not a resignation letter. A missive sent to Coral Gables residents by Mayor Vince Lago Thursday starts like he might be announcing his swan song. “Before anything else,” it starts, “I want to thank you for everything you do to make The City Beautiful the greatest place in America.” Tun, tun, tun! Lago […]
A new political action committee in Coral Gables has formed with the intention of getting three charter amendments on the ballot. According to it’s website, Accountable Coral Gables is promoting a change in the election date to November on even years — which there is already a petition being circulated for — the requirement of […]