Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago to unveil ‘his’ downtown clock on 9/11

Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago to unveil ‘his’ downtown clock on 9/11

‘Sept. 11 is not a national holiday,’ mayor says That fancy clock for Miracle Mile that Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago said last year would not cost the city a cent, is now a “donation” from his family, Lago says, because he paid the $32,000 installation and hook-up fees himself. This has apparently made him […]

Coral Gables cancels annexation efforts for Little Gables after public vote

Coral Gables cancels annexation efforts for Little Gables after public vote

Mayor Vince Lago takes another loss at City Hall The Coral Gables Commission on Tuesday ended the city’s annexation efforts for the Little Gables neighborhood, choosing to respect the wishes of the majority of voters who rejected the annexation in a non-binding straw ballot question last week. Well, everyone but Mayor Vince Lago, who voted […]

Coral Gables reject annexation of Little Gables — and Mayor Vince Lago

Coral Gables reject annexation of Little Gables — and Mayor Vince Lago

In what can arguably be seen as a referendum on Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago, voters in the City Beautiful clearly and soundly rejected the proposed annexation of Little Gables in a non-binding question on Tuesday’s ballot that is meant to take the citizens’ pulse on the issue. And the citizens’ pulse indicates that the […]

Coral Gables group submits petitions for referendum on electeds’ salaries

Coral Gables group submits petitions for referendum on electeds’ salaries

A political action committee collecting signatures to get three referendums on the ballot in Coral Gables submitted the first batch of petitions Friday for two of the measures. Gables City Clerk Billy Urquia said he received 2,078 signed petitions for a charter amendment to require a voter referendum approval before elected officials can raise their […]

Vince Lago tries to sneak election date change into strategic plan via committee

Vince Lago tries to sneak election date change into strategic plan via committee

Mayor uses advisory council to push personal agenda Coral Gables commissioners recently got two different versions of Mayor Vince Lago‘s 2023-2025 “strategic priorities plan” within weeks of each other, with one glaring difference: The second one did not have changing the date of the city’s elections from April to November, something that has already been […]

More commission conflict in Coral Gables on heels of mayoral recall effort

More commission conflict in Coral Gables on heels of mayoral recall effort

The first Coral Gables commission meeting Tuesday after the required recall petitions for Mayor Vince Lago were submitted last week was long and a bit awkward for everybody. Ladra cringed a few times. Lago said the Florida Department of Law Enforcement was investigating the recall effort and accused the new three amigos — Commissioners Melissa […]

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