Lobbyist/consultant David Custin cashes in on Miami Beach

Lobbyist/consultant David Custin cashes in on Miami Beach

UPDATED: David Custin wasn’t always so successful in Miami Beach. Before he played a crucial role in electing Mayor Philip Levine and Commissioners Joy Malakoff and Michael Grieco in 2013, Custin was really just a glorified mailboy-turned-campaign-consultant who dabbled sometimes as a lobbyist. He only had one client, the red light camera American Traffic Solutions, Miami Beach […]

Survey: Phil Levine ekes by, but slate mates are slam dunked

Survey: Phil Levine ekes by, but slate mates are slam dunked

It’s an informal, unscientific and likely flawed survey, done online via email blasts through Survey Monkey, a free site that provides such services, but it gives us what could be the first glimpse of what will happen in Miami Beach Nov. 3. Despite all the bad press Mayor Philip Levine has gotten lately — what with the […]

New Steve Cody video jabs shady Miami Beach PAC

New Steve Cody video jabs shady Miami Beach PAC

The list of people who are calling that shady Miami Beach Relentless for Progress PAC for what it is — at best, a conflict of interest, at worst an extortion scheme involving Mayor Philip Levine and Commissioner Jonah Wolfson — is growing and growing. Commissioner Deede Weithorn sounded the alarm early and Commissioner Ed Tobin […]

Miami Lakes Council considers inquiry into mayor’s crash

Miami Lakes Council considers inquiry into mayor’s crash

The Miami Lakes Council — as incredulous to Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi‘s story about his hit and run accident as the rest of us — will have a special meeting this afternoon to discuss getting an independent, third party investigation to look into whether or not there was a police cover up. Pizzi, who was […]

Both Miami Lakes mayors think they won first round

Both Miami Lakes mayors think they won first round

Former Miami Lakes Mayor Michael Pizzi went before a judge again Wednesday — but, this time, he was not the defendant. Pizzi appeared before Circuit Judge Gisela Cardonne Ely as plaintiff in a lawsuit to reclaim the mayor’s seat, which his dream team of seven attorneys attorneys claim is “unlawfully occupied by Wayne Slaton, who […]

Email urges Miami Lakes residents to ‘stop’ Wayne Slaton

Email urges Miami Lakes residents to ‘stop’ Wayne Slaton

In the escalating war between the two men who think they are each mayor of Miami Lakes, today’s meeting promises to be fun, if nothing else. “Urgent citizen action required to stop Slaton,” reads an email sent out Thursday to who knows how many addresses and by New Era Communications Corporations. But everyone knows that […]

Re-elected Opa-Locka commissioner vs new term limits

Re-elected Opa-Locka commissioner vs new term limits

Voters in Opa-Locka overwhelmingly passed term limits with 73% of the vote last week, restricting commissioners to two four-year terms — and unlike most term limit measures, this one goes retroactive. But Commissioner Timothy Holmes, who has been in office for 20 years, or five terms — and could very well be the poster child for […]

Dems ask DOJ to investigate Carlos Curbelo disclosure issues

Dems ask DOJ to investigate Carlos Curbelo disclosure issues

Someone finally took him up on his dare. Miami-Dade School Board Member and congressional candidate Carlos “Crybaby” Curbelo has told everyone repeatedly that he will not disclose his client list for his lobbying firm, Capitol Gains, because he doesn’t have to. See? He put the company in his wife’s name so he could get out […]

Questions linger a year after FBI arrests two mayors

Questions linger a year after FBI arrests two mayors

It came and went without much fanfare — the first anniversary of the arrests of both Miami Lakes Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi and Sweetwater Mayor Manny “Maraña” Maroño in separate snags on the same August day last year and in the same FBI sting — bogus economic development grant approvals for kickbacks. Maroño is serving […]

Forget ‘Sex Tape’! County releases ‘Ethics Tape’ for campaigns

Forget ‘Sex Tape’! County releases ‘Ethics Tape’ for campaigns

Attention, Little Miss Ultra! This video was made for you! And just in time for the primary, too! The Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust is selling a three-disc set of its Political Campaign Ethics Conference held earlier this year. It’s like a crash course in government accountability and integrity and includes segments on absentee […]

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