Miami Joe Carollo Bayfront scandal snares Coral Gables pal Javier Baños

Miami Joe Carollo Bayfront scandal snares Coral Gables pal Javier Baños

A whistleblower lawsuit filed last month against Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo for abusing his power as the chairman of the Bayfront Park Management Trust and paying friends exorbitant fees to get alleged kickbacks has snared onetime Coral Gables commission candidate Javier Baños, who is now the editor of the Gables Insider and a frequent critic […]

Miami paid $150K for one long Joe Carollo commercial on New Year’s Eve

Miami paid $150K for one long Joe Carollo commercial on New Year’s Eve

Miami was reeling Wednesday after the Miami Herald’s Tess Riski reported the whistleblower lawsuit against Miami Commmissioner Joe Carollo filed by two former employees of the Bayfront Park Management Trust of using public funds for his personal gain. Among the details released was a $150,000 payment to America TeVé to broadcast the city’s million-dollar New […]

Miami tree removal ordinance changes unnecessary and tainted by lobbyists

Miami tree removal ordinance changes unnecessary and tainted by lobbyists

The controversial and massive changes to Miami’s tree ordinance — which regulates the removal and pruning of trees — are seemingly unnecessary and, worse, directed by the development industry, which taints the legislation. Everyone knows that Commissioner Miguel Gabela, the dope they roped to sponsor this, is going to defer the vote at Thursday’s commission […]

Meet our new Supervisor of Elections Alina Garcia and her storied past

Meet our new Supervisor of Elections Alina Garcia and her storied past

Newly-elected Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections Alina Garcia, who beat JC Planas 56% to 44% in November’s historic race, was sworn in last week as the county’s first elected person to that new constitutional office. The ceremony in Hialeah was also a swearing in of two other constitutional officers, Tax Collector Dariel Fernandez and Property Appraiser Tomas Regalado, […]

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