Hialeah mayor’s political homicide

The man acting as mayor in Hialeah must have forgotten that voters did not put him there. If he had remembered that he is but a temporary placemark puppet placed in power by his mentor/master Julio Robaina — who Ladra feels somehow still pulls the strings at City Hall — he may not have dared […]

Miami campaigner taints process

The political advisor of a LGBT group that intends to make endorsements in the Miami city elections is also the campaign manager for one of the candidates. And while that appears to be an enormous — and possibly planned — conflict of interest to everyone in the universe, however, is defended as business as usual […]

ABC in Hialeah: Anyone But Carlos

Hialeah voters should tune into Actualidad radio tomorrow (1040 AM) and hear acting alcaldito Carlos Hernandez defend his flip flops on financial information and lack of transparency and his false accusation that I am a paid staffer of the Raul Martinez mayoral campaign. He told me that to my face at Tuesday’s meeting after he […]

Hialeah racers on your mark. Not!

The candidates who have filed to run so far in the upcoming Hialeah city elections were forced to show their hand by City Clerk David Concepcion this week after he was reminded that state law required candidates who ran in groups to stake claim to one before raising funds. Or should I say slight of […]

Hats off to Al Crespo, el maestro

I have to daily thank any dieties that are responsible for Al Crespo, the blogger who brings us The Crespo-Gram Report, which keeps scooping all the mainstream media and bringing us breaking big stories like Tony Crapp’s resignation and the bribe, er, I mean early retirement offer by Mayor Tomas Regalado to Police Chief Miguel […]

Outsiders outraise incumbents

While the mayor’s race in Hialeah seems to be attracting the big bucks — former mayor Raul Martinez and former State Sen. Rudy Garcia (REP, District 40) have more than $240,000 between them — the money is not trickling in as much for council candidates. Not all the campaign finance reports for the upcoming Hialeah […]

Gimenez starts to solidify his staff

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio‘s former campaign manager, local GOP wunderboy Jose Mallea, may have joined the Carlos Gimenez For Mayor team late in the game, but his plays were apparently pivotal in the win. Mallea, 34, was introduced Monday to department directors at the 3 p.m. meeting as the new mayor’s new chief of staff. […]

Radio bomb was ADLP’s baby

The radio commercial for mayoral candidate Carlos Gimenez that slammed Cuban radio personalities who have been apparently biased in the coverage of mayoral race — the ad that was never aired but became a controversy on those hosts’ very shows Monday — was produced and approved by none other than Alex Diaz de la Portilla, […]

A shark and a watchdog, together

This space is brought to you by Javier Manjarres, author of the Shark Tank blog, who wrote about Mayor Carlos Gimenez and his victory (and gave Ladra a very nice and welcome plug at the end). He talks about how Julio Robaina did not really do that well in the primary, considering how much he […]

Mayor Gimenez already at work

Mayor Carlos Gimenez didn’t look very different when he stepped on the stage at the Doubletree Hotel by Miami International Airport as Miami-Dade mayor Tuesday night to thank his family and supporters for the long road that took him to the county’s top public job. Because he has been looking and acting like the mayor […]