Kissing the ring at the swearing-in

Kissing the ring at the swearing-in

The swearing-in ceremony at Hialeah City Hall Friday was more like a circus or a carnival than a solemn, vow-taking induction for a new (same as the old) government body. From the Mariachis to the teary-eyed thank you from Su Alcaldito Carlos Hernandez when he mentioned his financial backer, Roberto Cayon to the three-part harmony from three female judges who swore in […]

Su alcaldito’s reign of terror begins

Su alcaldito’s reign of terror begins

Hours after he felt the confidence boost of his election — through fraud, lies and trickery — to the mayor’s seat he has exploited for months, Hialeah’s alcaldito Carlos Hernandez again abused his power Tuesday night. From a booth at Flannigan’s. And he may abuse his power against employees he will likely now target because they supported former […]

Martinez concedes, but it ain’t over

Former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez conceded early Tuesday night as soon as the absentee ballot machinery of su alcaldito Carlos Hernandez showed it had almost a 4,000 vote lead. A suspicious 4,363 vote lead counting ABs and early voting numbers.“Se acabo,” Martinez told supporters as he made his way outside to the TV cameras. “It’s over.” He […]

Election Day turnout low in Hialeah

The election in Hialeah is today but the results have likely already been decided. Voters trickled in one and two at a time Tuesday morning at three of the bigger polling places: The Salvation Army, the Moose Lodge and the JFK Library. And that spells doom for former Mayor Raul Martinez, who is in the […]

ALF voters "assisted" in electing

One of the most outrageous things seen during the pretty riduculous Hialeah elections came Friday when a group of elderly and confused residents from an assited living facility on West 18th Avenue were driven to the early voting site in a chartered school bus and were “assisted” in voting by people working for or supporting Su Alcaldito […]

AB fraud machine caught on video

The video doesn’t tell the whole story but begins to peel back the onion on the absentee ballot fraud that is going on in Hialeah, perpetrated by the campaign for su alcaldito Carlos Hernandez and his campaign manager, AB Fraud Queen Sasha Tirador. Taken by Political Cortadito cameraman Raul “El Toro” Torres and posted on […]

Firefighter guest blogger with truth

Ladra is lending her space today to Hialeah Fire Union Vice President Eric “Slick” Johnson (aka “Braveheart”)  who lays out the truth in the firefighters’ ongoing battle with the administration and the lies and lack of transparency they have been trying to fight: I would love to use this forum to explain why we are in this predicament, but […]

Ladra is battered by police chief

Former Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina and U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart have officially endorsed su alcaldito Carlos Hernandez at circus event at the Adult Community Center at Goodlet Park Wednesday. And I guess both are okay with Hialeah Police Chief Abuser Mark Overton shoving me out of the comedor less than 30 seconds after I got there, at […]

Casals, Garcia won’t do what’s right

The silence on the Hialeah mayoral race from former Sen. Rudy Garcia and Hialeah Councilwoman Vivian Casals-Muñoz is almost criminal — and a sure sign of why they are not fit to be elected leaders of any community. Leaders lead by example, unafraid of the political consequences of doing what’s right. They do not stay in the […]

More abuse of power in Hialeah

People of Hialeah, you need to know you must beware of the powers that be. You live in a police state where harassment of private citizens is not only tolerated, but in fact dictated by su alcaldito Carlos Hernandez. While I am sure Ladra is not the only one to be harassed, followed, intimidated and insulted, she is […]