Gimenez starts to solidify his staff

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio‘s former campaign manager, local GOP wunderboy Jose Mallea, may have joined the Carlos Gimenez For Mayor team late in the game, but his plays were apparently pivotal in the win. Mallea, 34, was introduced Monday to department directors at the 3 p.m. meeting as the new mayor’s new chief of staff. […]

Radio bomb was ADLP’s baby

The radio commercial for mayoral candidate Carlos Gimenez that slammed Cuban radio personalities who have been apparently biased in the coverage of mayoral race — the ad that was never aired but became a controversy on those hosts’ very shows Monday — was produced and approved by none other than Alex Diaz de la Portilla, […]

A shark and a watchdog, together

This space is brought to you by Javier Manjarres, author of the Shark Tank blog, who wrote about Mayor Carlos Gimenez and his victory (and gave Ladra a very nice and welcome plug at the end). He talks about how Julio Robaina did not really do that well in the primary, considering how much he […]

Mayor Gimenez already at work

Mayor Carlos Gimenez didn’t look very different when he stepped on the stage at the Doubletree Hotel by Miami International Airport as Miami-Dade mayor Tuesday night to thank his family and supporters for the long road that took him to the county’s top public job. Because he has been looking and acting like the mayor […]

Gimenez pulls to lead w/ AB+EV

Carlos Gimenez already has a 51 percent lead over Julio Robaina in the bid to become our next county mayor. Well, almost 52 percent. While Robaina got a tiny head start on absentee ballots (38,420 votes to 39,749), Gimenez got a larger lead in early voting (22,321 to 17,283). The total votes cast are 62,125 […]

Top 10 reasons to vote Gimenez

People wanted to know why it is that I have come to support former commissioner Carlos Gimenez and voted for him to become our next county mayor last week during early voting. I can sum up the most motivating factors in a Top Ten list, ala David Letterman. Reason Number 10 to vote for Carlos […]

Campaign $pending $tays a $ecret

We still don’t know, with one day left to choose, how much really has been invested in the frentic and expensive bid to become the recall replacement mayor of Miami-Dade for the next 16 months. Together, and as of the last report filed earlier this month, both candidates had more than $3.5 million to put […]

Campaign emails & wasted time

Both candidates in the big Miami-Dade mayor’s race are making last minute pleas and appeals for votes, sometimes in the unlikeliest of places. Like Julio Robaina with cabbies who can’t vote and Carlos Gimenez with 20-somethings who can but won’t. Supporters for both candidates have sent mass emails out asking their friends to vote and […]

1st Hialeah Bank of Julito, Part II

Former Hialeah mayor Julio Robaina keeps saying he is the best man to oversee the county’s $7-billion budget. But his own 1st Hialeah Bank of Julito seems to be in financial trouble. Robaina’s bank is apparently $1.7 million in the hole on personal high interest loans made in the past few years, some of which […]

Robaina booted from illegal event

When former Hialeah mayor Julio Robaina — who we hear owns several taxi cab medallions himself — rallied with cabbies at Miami International Airport on Tuesday, he violated a county ordinance that prohibits campaigning at MIA. And he was kicked off the property. Miami-Dade Aviation Department Director Jose Abreu told Ladra that he heard about […]