Firefighter guest blogger with truth

Ladra is lending her space today to Hialeah Fire Union Vice President Eric “Slick” Johnson (aka “Braveheart”)  who lays out the truth in the firefighters’ ongoing battle with the administration and the lies and lack of transparency they have been trying to fight: I would love to use this forum to explain why we are in this predicament, but […]

Ladra is battered by police chief

Former Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina and U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart have officially endorsed su alcaldito Carlos Hernandez at circus event at the Adult Community Center at Goodlet Park Wednesday. And I guess both are okay with Hialeah Police Chief Abuser Mark Overton shoving me out of the comedor less than 30 seconds after I got there, at […]

Casals, Garcia won’t do what’s right

The silence on the Hialeah mayoral race from former Sen. Rudy Garcia and Hialeah Councilwoman Vivian Casals-Muñoz is almost criminal — and a sure sign of why they are not fit to be elected leaders of any community. Leaders lead by example, unafraid of the political consequences of doing what’s right. They do not stay in the […]

More abuse of power in Hialeah

People of Hialeah, you need to know you must beware of the powers that be. You live in a police state where harassment of private citizens is not only tolerated, but in fact dictated by su alcaldito Carlos Hernandez. While I am sure Ladra is not the only one to be harassed, followed, intimidated and insulted, she is […]

Garcia stays Ghost in endorsement

Ladra’s was practically panting when she put on A Mano Limpia tonight to see who former State Sen. Rudy “The Ghost” Garcia, who came in third in the Hialeah mayoral primary Tuesday, would endorse in the run-off. But he put off any endorsement, remaining the “absentee” leader and candidate even after he is no longer a candidate. How […]

Shock in Hialeah election upsets

The Hialeah election primary ended Tuesday in a thud heard ’round the City of Progress and met with what can only be called shock and/or total disbelief by the hundreds of supporters and volunteers (not to mention the paid political consultants) that waited for results at the campaign offices of both former State Sen. Rudy Garcia and former […]

ABs go with Queen Sasha’s slate

The absentee and early voting ballot count for Hialeah is trickling in and it may look like su alcaldito Carlos Hernandez and his incumbent-minus-one-plus-one slate is winning the mayoral race. But looks can be deceiving sometimes. Hernandez and Co. were expected to take the ABs (all but Tony “Phony” Vega, who is losing even there). They are, after all, paying Absentee […]

Robaina backing Garcia for mayor

As everyone had expected and determined, Ladra is going to come out — on Election Day no less — for Raul Martinez in the Hialeah mayoral contest. Maybe it’s a self-fullfilling prophecy. But it’s not because Martinez is bigger than life or better equipped for the enormous task of going through the city’s financial fiasco […]

Gavelgirl & Garcia have private chat

Looks like Hialeah Council President Isis “Gavelgirl” Garcia-Martinez has read the writing on the wall and is beginning to hedge her bets. While she has been campaigning with su alcaldito Carlos Hernandez, she took a little walk through the parking lot Saturday at the JFK library, on the last day of early voting, and had […]

Gaverlgirl’s best hits on PAC’s ad

A political commercial that strings together a bunch of the most unfortunate moments in the life of Hialeah Council President Isis “Gavelgirl” Garcia-Martinez is already on YouTube and will be seen on Spanish-language stations tonight and over the weekend. But it’s not her opponent, former Councilwoman Cindy Miel, who is behind the ad. Miel is […]