Blame commissioners, not just mayor, on budget cut woes

Blame commissioners, not just mayor, on budget cut woes

Remember way back when in June, when Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez wanted to raise taxes just a bit, less than a 4.5 percent, to keep services in tact and libraries open all the hours that we are accustomed to? Well, he didn’t do backwards flip flop to a zero increase because it was his own […]

Young Cubans’ PAC shows generation gap is a myth

Young Cubans’ PAC shows generation gap is a myth

I’m sick of hearing that Generation Ñ doesn’t care about the Cubans on the island, or the embargo or U.S. Cuba policy. Ladra herself had been instructed to write that “changing tide” story at the Miami Herald several times during the last few years she worked at the paper. But it just isn’t true. There […]

Rep. Jose Oliva lends juice for Miami Lakes sprint election

Rep. Jose Oliva lends juice for Miami Lakes sprint election

Qualifying hasn’t even started yet in the spring Miami Lakes election, set for Oct. 1, and already there are candidates with signs and handouts, knocking on doors and sending mailers. Council candidate Frank Mingo — who is seeking to replace the outgoing Councilman Nelson Hernandez, who is seeking to replace the suspended Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi, who […]

Big week: arraingments, budgets and Miami Lakes deadline

Big week: arraingments, budgets and Miami Lakes deadline

Look like it’s going to be a busy week in the 305 for political intrigue, what with a caliente county commission meeting, the arraignments of two allegedly corrupt elected leaders, a hearing for a Hialeah boletero and the qualifying deadlines for the suddenly open seats in Miami Lakes due to the mayor’s arrest. Ladra expects […]

Sunday could be Political Cortadito cartoon day

Sunday could be Political Cortadito cartoon day

Ladra would like to start a new feature on weekends: cartoons. Check out this first one that I got in an email from Mike Burke. He titled it “Let ’em eat cake.” After getting Burke’s somewhat childlike yet perfectly on-point cartoon in an email, and getting his permission to reprint it, I figured I would […]

Voila! Libraries are magically saved… but what else could be?

Voila! Libraries are magically saved… but what else could be?

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez said in July, when he presented his severe budget cuts at a county commission meeting, that he was no magician. But it turns out he did have a few tricks up his sleeve. It’s really no surprise to anyone that no libraries are closing. We heard the drumroll as we saw […]

Anti-Hispanic race card pulled out in Miami Beach elections

Anti-Hispanic race card pulled out in Miami Beach elections

Two of the big profile candidates in the upcoming Miami Beach elections say that that other candidates, including their main challengers, are running anti-Hispanic campaigns against them. Mayor Matti Bower, a native Cuban who is running for commission, and Commissioner Michael Gongora, who his her hand-picked half-Cuban successor in the mayoral race, both told Ladra […]

Francis Suarez: Too many blows may bend Baby X to bow out

Francis Suarez: Too many blows may bend Baby X to bow out

Like Commissioner Francis Suarez — who seemed to be losing steam in his mayoral campaign anyway — needed this. Could the charges filed against his election team Thursday be the straw that broke the campaign’s back? His “The Future is Now” campaign is beginning to sound a little like “The End is Near.” First, Suarez — […]