Lobbyist Jorge Luis Lopez: Civic leader? Or rogue scofflaw?

Lobbyist Jorge Luis Lopez: Civic leader? Or rogue scofflaw?

Lobbyist Jorge Luis Lopez, who is a close friend of Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez and spends a lot of time at County Hall, has been on the defensive in the past week or so for one of his clients, Lyft, which provides a ride sharing program that is operating in the county illegally. And he […]

Poll: Mayor Carlos Gimenez is too comfy close to lobbyists

Poll: Mayor Carlos Gimenez is too comfy close to lobbyists

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez may still enjoy a majority approval rating — with 53% of respondents saying they thought he was doing an excellent (11%) or good (42%) job at the county, according to a recent pool. That’s not bad. But it’s not really good either, considering that there is a 4% margin of error, […]

Hialeah Housing takes in new crop of AB voters, er residents

Hialeah Housing takes in new crop of AB voters, er residents

The Hialeah Housing Authority opened its process again last week for folks to apply for Section 8 housing in the City of Retrogress and got so many applicants, the website shut down. The city has extended the deadline until today. But what city officials are really doing is creating a whole new crop of absentee […]

Incumbents stump with hand-picked House replacement

Incumbents stump with hand-picked House replacement

If we needed any proof that Bryan Avila, vice chair of the Miami-Dade Republican Party, was the hand-picked successor to State Rep. Eddy Gonzalez, who is termed out of that office and will seek another office countywide, just drop by the joint fundraiser that Gonzalez will have with Avila and State Rep. Manny Diaz, Jr., […]

Political Cortadito political cartoon on soccer stadium

Political Cortadito political cartoon on soccer stadium

Miami Beach activist Mike Burke is the only one who answered Ladra’s call almost a year ago for political cartoons. This watchdog cannot draw to save her life. Once in a while, he sends something that is not too much of an inside joke and can be published. This week was one of those times. […]

Joe Garcia endorses illegal UBER ride share service

Joe Garcia endorses illegal UBER ride share service

Congressman Joe Garcia is gonna hafta say that someone hacked into his twitter account. Either that or it’s going to look like he’s thumbing his nose at the law and endorsing illicit business. That’s because Garcia used the social media platform to tout the new Uber X car ride sharing service that launched Wednesday in […]

GOP welcomes Dems to House races with glee, phone banks

GOP welcomes Dems to House races with glee, phone banks

Local Republicans said they were all too happy to see Democratic nobodies challenge six state House incumbent Republicans and one apparent successor in the Miami-Dade Democratic Party’s “No More Free Rides” campaign — a move that many have characterized as a publicity stunt that may have backfired. “They gave me a gift,” said Miami-Dade Republican […]

1st Congressional primary debate missing one: David Rivera

1st Congressional primary debate missing one: David Rivera

The Federated Women’s Republican Club of Miami will host the first debate between the candidates in the highly anticipated Republican primary who are vying this August for a chance to run in the 26th Congressional district against Democrat incumbent Congressman Joe Garcia. So far, four of the five candidates have confirmed they will be at […]