There were no fisticuffs, but it was lively and lines were definitely drawn in the debate last week between the five candidates for Miami-Dade Property Appraiser — a juicy $196,000-a-year job overseeing the assessment of property values, which is the main source of revenue (read: cash cow) for the county budget as well as all […]
While she may have some ultra questionable ethics breaches in her past — steering work to her boyfriend and scoring music festival tickets for herself — Miami Assistant City Attorney Veronica “Little Miss Ultra” Diaz should be held to a higher level of honesty at least in her judicial campaign. She certainly shouldn’t be lying […]
Days after former Congressman David “Nine Lives” Rivera jumped into the Congressional Republican primary for District 26, Miami-Dade School Board Member Carlos Curbelo — the establishment choice from months earlier — did a poll that cost him $35,000. And why haven’t we heard a peep about it? Curbelo did not return a phone call to […]
Call me cynical. But doesn’t it seem like Miami-Dade Commissioner Lynda Bell — who is fighting for her political life in the most heated commission race this year — has had a slew of publicity stunt events in recent days? There’s no doubt that Bell is active year round, taking part in community events, working at […]
It seems like a shock and awe campaign. This week alone, Miami-Dade Commissioners considered giving away the last waterfront property to a Cuban exile museum project, finding a way to break the lease with the Dade County Youth Fair to make room for Florida International University’s expansion on 80-some acres of county land (do I […]
Joining giants like Lebron James and Emilio Estefan and local heroes, the outgoing chief of staff to the county mayor got a the ultimate kiss up Thursday at the Miami-Dade Commission meeting, where her boss, Mayor Carlos “Mr. Giveaway” Gimenez proclaimed it Lisa M. Martinez Day. After just three years? What does she know? Gimenez […]
You may have heard about that new movie that’s about to be released tomorrow, though you can see it today at some theaters, “The Purge: Anarchy.” It’s a sequel to the “The Purge,” which is basically a thriller about a future in which the law of the land is temporarily suspended. Well, someone wants you to […]
It had to be a Hispanic. Everyone has been whispering that Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chairwoman Annette Taddeo Goldstein, who has been active supporting candidates but also on local county issues like taxpayer funded sports stadiums and the proposed cutting of library services by a mayor she said was stadium obsessed, was setting herself up to […]
By MARGIE MENZELTHE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDATHE CAPITAL, TALLAHASSEE, July 16, 2014 — Carlos Lopez-Cantera is the first Hispanic lieutenant governor of Florida. Gov. Rick Scott tapped him for the post in January, 10 months after the resignation of former Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll, and Lopez-Cantera was sworn in Feb. 3. Lopez-Cantera represented part of Miami-Dade County in the […]
While the regular Joe P. Taxpayer citizens of Miami-Dade County were begging county commissioners to restore the library budget to what is needed to go back to the right level of services and not to fire police officers and not to increase the bus fair and prices for special transportation for the elderly and the […]