Que paso? Eddy Gonzalez heads into runoff as numero dos

Que paso? Eddy Gonzalez heads into runoff as numero dos

This is not the way it was supposed to happen. As expected, State Rep. Eddy “Here Comes Hialeah” Gonzalez heads into the runoff for the Miami-Dade Property Appraiser’s position after Tuesday’s election, but he is going into Round 2 with the second highest number of votes, trailing former Property Appraiser Pedro Garcia by a whole […]

Levine Cava gets to work while Lynda Bell finishes term

Levine Cava gets to work while Lynda Bell finishes term

Ding, dong, the witch ain’t dead, folks. She’s only injured. Miami-Dade Commission Vice Chair Lynda Bell may have been defeated a the polls last week, bounced by voters that were tired of her self-serving, anti-employee rule. But Commissioner-elect Daniella Levine Cava is not sworn in until mid-November, which means Bell is still a vote on […]

Send a storm bill to Capitol Hill via Congressman Joe Garcia

Send a storm bill to Capitol Hill via Congressman Joe Garcia

Maybe Congressman Joe Garcia (D-Miami) can’t come up with anything else on his own. Maybe this is a way to engage his constituency in the usually droll work of drafting legislation. Maybe he really thinks someone in District 26 is a genius with the answer. Maybe it’s just a social media gimmick two months before […]

Unions flex political muscle in Miami-Dade commission upset

Unions flex political muscle in Miami-Dade commission upset

Many of Miami-Dade’s much beleaguered labor unions started reaching hard-fought agreements with a compromising county administration. This came on the heels of their victory last week when they helped elect a newcomer and unseated an incumbent — only the the third time that’s happened since 1960. Coincidence? Probably not. It’s more likely that labor — […]

Add Bill Clinton to the political celebs drawn to the 305

Add Bill Clinton to the political celebs drawn to the 305

Forget the Kardashians. South Florida is seeming more and more like a playground for political celebrities, too, these days. Florida Gov. Rick Scott has been to South Florida so much lately, real estate agents are angling for 15 minutes with him so they can sell him a weekend condo. This week, Scott returns with Lt. […]

Mayor Gimenez draws small crowd for town hall meeting

Mayor Gimenez draws small crowd for town hall meeting

Have all the budget town hall meetings been like the one Thursday at West Dade Regional Library? The room was packed, that’s for sure. But if you removed all the county employees, including the seven cops in uniform and the multiple people from the mayor’s staff, the library supporters and three  members of the media, […]

Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine seeks more virtual ‘votes’

Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine seeks more virtual ‘votes’

Miami Beach Mayor Philip “Fix It” Levine wants more people to like him. Levine reached out to residents via one of his regular email blasts to ask them to follow him on twitter and Instagram and like him on Facebook and YouTube. “I began using Facebook and Twitter to send updates during my campaign for […]

Gimenez ups Labor Day water police patrols, not rescue

Gimenez ups Labor Day water police patrols, not rescue

After the Fourth of July boating accident that killed four people in Biscayne Bay caused a renewed demand for the county to put a fire rescue boat in the water, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Cry Wolf” Gimenez hunkered down and refused to refund the fire boat, saying that it probably wouldn’t have made a difference anyway. […]

Fourth union settles with Miami-Dade Mayor Gimenez

Fourth union settles with Miami-Dade Mayor Gimenez

AFSCME Local 199 became the fourth union to settle with Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos “Cry Wolf” Gimenez when the administration and the union’s negotiating team reached an agreement Thursday. “We’re done. We’re finished,” said Andy Madtes, president of the union that represents the largest number of employees at about 9,000. “We got all of our […]