Alberto Carvalho drops mayoral hopes for UM dream

Alberto Carvalho drops mayoral hopes for UM dream

Even though he was always kind of one foot in, one foot out, Miami-Dade Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho is giving up on his idea of running for Miami-Dade mayor in 2016 or 2020. Or turning in another direction, that is. That’s because he now wants to be named president of the University of Miami. Donna […]

From the ‘Duh’ department: LBA backs FIU expansion plan

From the ‘Duh’ department: LBA backs FIU expansion plan

FIU president Mark Rosenberg will speak to a group of builders and developers at the Latin Builders Association’s monthly luncheon today, at which the LBA will give the school’s expansion project and the referendum before voters that would be needed to allow them to use the space currently used by the Dade County Youth Fair […]

George Burgess, Frank Nero on shortlist for Gables manager

George Burgess, Frank Nero on shortlist for Gables manager

Round two in the search for a new Coral Gables City Manager has produced a few interesting names that seem head and shoulders above the candidates on the last shortlist — which ended in a fiasco when the commission picked a guy who later did not pass a general background check. Among them: Former Miami-Dade […]

Close to $600K already spent on House 112 race

Close to $600K already spent on House 112 race

Spotted Thursday morning strategizing over breakfast at Green Gables Cafe: State Rep. Jose Felix “One More Pepe” Diaz and fellow Republican and wannabe representative Daniel Diaz Leyva, the lobbyist running against Democrat State Rep. Jose Javier “J-Rod” Rodriguez in House district 112. It’s only fair. Danny Boy here worked on Rep. “Pepe” Diaz’s 2010 and […]

Fight! PBA and county meet today to discuss contract

Fight! PBA and county meet today to discuss contract

It’s not like she’s going to need Kevlar, but Miami-Dade County Human Resources Director Arlene Cuellar might want to bring some extra chutzpah and a sense of humor to work today: She’s going to meet this morning with the bargaining unit at the PBA, which has what can only be described as pretty hostile relations […]

Add First Lady to list of Dem VIPs to stump for Charlie Crist

Add First Lady to list of Dem VIPs to stump for Charlie Crist

Traffic is going to be Game Day miserable Friday afternoon around SunLife Stadium, but not because of a game — although politics is definitely a sport and could be a game to some. First Lady Michele Obama will be in Miami Gardens for a Charlie Crist rally at the Betty T. Ferguson Recreational Complex, 3000 […]

‘Fangate’ becomes campaign fodder in Crist vs Scott race

‘Fangate’ becomes campaign fodder in Crist vs Scott race

An electric fan? Really? That’s what everybody wants to talk about today? It’s not like it was the first time former Gov. Charlie Crist uses what apparently is his travel fan. After Gov. Rick Scott and his campaign complained Wednesday about a portable fan that his predecessor uses regularly and a lot — leading Ladra […]

Carlos Curbelo client list could include Venezuelan insider

Carlos Curbelo client list could include Venezuelan insider

A little more than a year ago, when Doral Mayor Luigi Boria was facing a media storm about his relationship with Juan Carlos Tovar — a wealthy developer whose uncle is vice president or something of the national bank in Venezuela and who was arrested for filing a false police report — a reporter spoke […]

Daniella Levine Cava meets with commission mates

Daniella Levine Cava meets with commission mates

Freshly chosen Miami-Dade Commissioner-Elect Daniella Levine Cava seemingly can’t wait to get started. She’s not only been attending all the commission meetings since she was elected in a heated race against Vice Chair Lynda Bell Aug. 26, she has also been getting to know the district. On Tuesday, she went up into the sky in […]