The hire Friday of Cathy Swanson Rivenbark as the new Coral Gables city manager could be the best news the City Beautiful has had in months. The former head of the city’s Economic Development department — and mother of the Coral Gables Farmer’s Market — left the city to be assistant city manager in Hollywood. […]
Our returned weekly feature is heavy today with political photos from the field on the Super Bowl for politicians and political beings alike: Election Day. Blessed with some beautiful weather, thousands of people voted on Tuesday, adding to absentee ballots and early voters that cast a total of 529,867 ballots — which is a whopping […]
Run, Raquel! Run! That’s the sentiment among many political observers, junkies and activists in the 305 — and probably thousands of voters — about Miami-Dade School Board Member Raquel Regalado, whose profile has risen sharply in the last few weeks but says she is undecided about running for mayor of Miami-Dade. Her recent victory over […]
Our only relief is that he’ll be a one-term congressman. Carlos “Crubaby” Curbelo‘s predictable defeat of Congressman Joe Garcia Tuesday night in one of the ugliest and most expensive campaigns in Florida history is not the huge accomplishment that he’s going to boast it is. After all, the numbers were there for whoever went against […]
State Rep. Eddy Gonzalez is going to have to look for a real job. Gonzalez, who is termed out this year, lost to former Miami-Dade Property Appraiser Pedro Garcia in the runoff Tuesday — even though he spent more than twice as much as Garcia. Guess voters could see right through the slick career politician’s […]
The only shocker of the night so far in this predictable election — okay, Gov. Rick Scott won but we were told that one could go either way — is that State Rep. Jose Javier Rodriguez beating back Republican lobbyist Daniel Diaz-Leyva despite the fact that Danny Boy spent probably twice as much dough. Ladra […]
Down but not out, former Congressman David “Nine Lives” Rivera — who just can’t stay away from polls on Election Day — is living true to his nickname and planning a comeback. Rivera, who just came off a blistering loss in the Republican congressional primary — coming in fourth place of five — was enjoying […]
Note to reader: This is a developing story — because parties may be added to the list as the day unfolds and Ladra gets invites. UPDATED: Oh my God! Is this it? Is it the end of this brutal election cycle? Ladra doesn’t care who wins anymore. I’m just glad to see it over. Of […]
There’s been a lot of attention this election cycle to the mega spending done in the governor’s race and by the candidates in the congressional race for District 26. Millions upon millions in a record-setting year. But that Rockefeller attitude has pretty much trickled down to the Florida House races in South Florida. As of […]
The courthouse bond tax issue is all but lost. Tales from the field and a not-so-secret poll show the referendum — asking voters to approve a new tax bond of $393 million to build a taj majal of justice somewhere in the downtown that has not yet been determined to replace the aging, crumbling Cielito […]