The violence that erupted in Ferguson — as well as the police shooting that started it — has refueled the debate about body cameras on police officers, including in Miami-Dade, where the mayor and commission have set $1 million aside in this year’s tight budget to equip 500 county cops with video recorders worn on […]
UPDATED: He doesn’t take the helm of the ship until January, but the Miami-Dade Commission Chairman Elect Jean Monestime issued his first statement Monday in his new role — hours after his colleagues voted unanimously for him as their leader — urging the community to keep calm when the grand jury decision in the Ferguson, […]
Next week will be all about the free turkeys given away by the costly turkeys, but today Political Cortadito’s Political Pics of the Week are kind of scattered about. We have county commissioners in their districts doing their thing and Congress members being honored or interviewed on the immigration thing. We have Coral Gables Commissioner […]
Nobody thinks that the single, unimportant mathematical error made by the county when advertising the budget hearings on page 6B of the Miami Herald is that big a deal. To err is human. And while nobody expects that we should just immediately forgive and forget, either, the punishment should fit the crime for those who […]
The power at Miami-Dade County Hall is going to shift over the next few weeks as commissioners play musical chairs. Not only because they are expected on Monday to name the next chair, and all eyes are on Commissioner Jean Monestime for that. But also because in January, Monestime will dole out the committee leadership […]
Oooops. Ladra doesn’t know if it was the worst case scenario budget or the best case scenario budget, but the annual budget passed by the Miami-Dade Commission in September and under which the county has been operating for almost two months since Oct. 1 is invalid. So says the Florida Department of Revenue, which is […]
UPDATED: Miami-Dade School Board Member Carlos “One Term” Curbelo, who was elected to Congress two weeks ago, isn’t expected to resign from his current seat until January. He has said that the December meeting will be his last. But there are several people either jostling or being jostled for the position before Gov. Rick Scott, who […]
Two weeks after State Rep. Erik Fresen was re-elected to the State House with a much larger margin than expected, his seat has already become a contested one for the Republican primary 21 months away. Jose Pazos, a condo association manager who is partners with former State Rep. Julio “The Good One” Robaina and Miami-Dade Commissioner […]
Who’s going to run against Ralph Cabrera for mayor of Coral Gables? Nobody knows yet. It’s like they’re drawing straws. We’re pretty sure it ain’t gonna be incumbent Mayor Jim Cason. For months, folks have been hearing of his switcheroo plan, the one by which he steps down to let Commissioner William “Billy” Kerdyk, who […]
So, the common thinking is that Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine could be a contender for the Miami-Dade mayoral race in 2016. But maybe he’s got his eyes set on a higher power: The governor’s mansion? Perhaps a race for U.S. Senate if Sen. Bill Nelson retires or Sen. Marco Rubio heads for the White […]