More GOP votes = Carlos Curbelo could be up on Joe Garcia

More GOP votes = Carlos Curbelo could be up on Joe Garcia

Democrat Congressman Joe Garcia is going to have to do a lot better than photo ops with Charlie Crist and a questionable endorsement from a Cuban dissident who may or may not have been taken advantage of (more on that later) if he wants to be something other than a one-term legislator. As much as […]

Two ballot questions cost promoters $2.5 mil — so far

Two ballot questions cost promoters $2.5 mil — so far

The two main county referendums on the Nov. 4 ballot — the FIU expansion and the courthouse bond tax — have cost advocates a combined $2.5 million so far. Campaign consultants and TV and radio stations are raking it in. Friends of Higher Education, which is pushing the yes vote on the question of whether […]

Two creepy PAC mailers try to shame voters into action

Two creepy PAC mailers try to shame voters into action

Big Brother really is watching. And he’s counting your votes. A very disturbing mailer appeared Wednesday — which is five days before it’s all over — in the Miami-Dade mailboxes of registered voters who have not yet cast ballots for the Nov. 4 election. “Don’t throw away your vote! Your neighbors will know. It’s public […]

Pollster: GOPs outvote Dems so far in Gov, House races

Pollster: GOPs outvote Dems so far in Gov, House races

Well, it was predicted that in a midterm gubernatorial year, Republican voters would outnumber Democrats. And it is looking true statewide in the Florida governor’s race and in two key state races in Miami-Dade when it comes to the early voting and absentee ballots cast so far. Of course, we don’t know how all these […]

Gables transfer stinks of political payback via Salernoites

Gables transfer stinks of political payback via Salernoites

Longtime Coral Gables Public Relations Manager Maria Rose Higgins-Fallon was unceremoniously transferred to the city’s police department in what seems like a retaliatory move by one or more of the administrators left behind by former City Manager Pat Salerno. Bumped down from the job she’s been doing for 11 years, down from Public Relations Manager […]

Courthouse tax debate: Scare tactics vs. common sense

Courthouse tax debate: Scare tactics vs. common sense

I’m surprised it’s not in a mailer already, but look for one in which proponents of the new courthouse tax on the ballot Nov. 4 say the building is unsafe because of the asbestos. That’s one of the arguments made by former U.S. Attorney Roberto Martinez, who went on This Week in South Florida earlier […]

Round II: PBA meets again with county honchos over contract

Round II: PBA meets again with county honchos over contract

Members of the PBA bargaining unit will meet again with Miami-Dade Human Resources Director Arlene Cuellar today to try to reach an agreement on the contract with the Miami-Dade Police employees, both sworn and civilian. But already it looks like things are going better than before — if only because they are talking and this […]

Cathy Swanson to get Gables city manager recommendation

Cathy Swanson to get Gables city manager recommendation

It’s homecoming season in the high school world and it looks like Coral Gables is getting ready to crown Cathy Swanson-Rivenbark their own queen. Swanson — who was the city’s economic development director before leaving to Hollywood, where she is now manager — was at Human Resources Monday to be fingerprinted, the only one of […]