The mega mall proposed for the Northwest corner of Miami-Dade, known as the American Dream Miami complex, is gaining speed now that the School Board has released its lease hold on part of the property and the county commission approved to be a purchase pass-through for 82 acres of state land. But is it really […]
The Miami-Dade School Board approved the release of a lease hold on about half of a state property that is now in a convoluted land deal between the the county and the developers of a proposed mega mall and tourist attraction where I-75 meets the Florida Turnpike. But not before Superintendent Alberto Carvalho revealed the county […]
In yet another race against the clock, under the gun of yet another looming deadline that could have been completely intentional, Miami-Dade commissioners on Tuesday got into the real estate business and approved a land assemblage deal that is the first necessary step in development of a megamall/tourist attraction in the northwest corner of the […]
Red light cameras will be coming to four intersections along South Dixie Highway in Pinecrest, now that a Miami-Dade Commissioner has dropped his objection. “I ask that we be given the same consideration as other cities that have put cameras on U.S. 1, such as Aventura, North Miami Beach, North Miami, Coral Gables, Cutler Bay, Florida City […]
Controversial plans for a super mega retail mall with tourist attractions in a northwest corner of the county may have come out of nowhere earlier this month, but it’s looking like the project is going somewhere fast. American Dream Miami — the 200-acre complex that includes a skating rink, water park, performing sea lions and an […]
It’s not bad enough that Miami-Dade got caught lying to the federal government to get somewhere around $6 million in transit grants that we apparently didn’t use right and now Uncle Sam is demanding we pay back. It gets worse: Some honcho at County Hall had the gall to fire the eagle eye employee who […]
Ladra called it last year when the commission voted to put the FIU “expansion” question on the November ballot: They are going to use this to push the Dade County Youth Fair and Expo into a relocation deal, to apply the political pressure. It didn’t take long. On Monday, as kids rode the swings and the […]
UPDATED: Former Coral Gables Commissioner Ralph Cabrera killed it at the first mayoral debate Monday against the overly-scripted incumbent Mayor Jim Cason, who seemed to fumble around and stammer. Cason could hardly put together a coherent sentence — even though it seemed he was reading the whole time. It was the best example to date […]
Dressed in a crisp white skirt suit that shimmered just a little, with a big green flower pin that matched her high heels, Miami-Dade School Board Member Raquel Regalado — the 305’s favorite political daughter — became on Monday morning the first Hispanic woman to run for Miami-Dade mayor. While the media throng made a […]
Let the games begin. Call her candidate Raquel Regalado, as she officially was born Sunday as the Miami-Dade School Board member announced that she will run for Miami-Dade mayor, after all — which was sorta the best kept secret in local politics. It was first outed by Doug Hanks at the Miami Herald that she was […]