Commission considers giving $3.1 mil to ‘confidential’ projects

Commission considers giving $3.1 mil to ‘confidential’ projects

Tucked into what is going to be a mammoth Miami-Dade County commission meeting Tuesday are two items that seem like they come out of some spy novel: Commissioners will be asked to close their eyes and give a little more than $3 million to “confidential projects” with the code names “Zorin” and “Novel.” Both are […]

South Florida Dems on Obama and opening up to Cuba

South Florida Dems on Obama and opening up to Cuba

Debbie does not do Havana. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, is not down with President Barack Obama‘s warming up to the Cuban government and told The Daily Signal last week — again, because she’s said it before — that the U.S. should perhaps wait to normalize relations as some kind […]

Redistricting ruling could cripple Carlos Curbelo in 2016

Redistricting ruling could cripple Carlos Curbelo in 2016

The Florida Supreme Court ruling Thursday that mandates the redistricting of eight of the state’s 27 congressional districts — an act that will likely domino-effect its way into a fully new statewide map — is seen as a real boon to Democrats who may be able to take more red seats from Miami to the […]

Florida redistricting: Letting the fox in the hen house — again

Florida redistricting: Letting the fox in the hen house — again

The Florida Supreme Court ruled Thursday that eight congressional districts in Florida violation Fair District amendment of 2010 and must be redrawn in 100 days — by the very same Republican-led State House and Senate that gerrymandered the districts in the first place. Como? Isn’t that like letting the fox back in the hen house […]

Carlos Gimenez’s ‘Everglades Air Show’ was never serious

Carlos Gimenez’s ‘Everglades Air Show’ was never serious

Who believed the Everglades sales pitch story? No, not the one where someone tries to sell you a bridge, but close. It’s the Air Show in the Swamp pitch, where Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Cry Wolf” Gimenez was going to get all these international corporations and celebrities to come out for an fancy aviation convention at […]

Miami-Dade spends more on IT than parks or courts

Miami-Dade spends more on IT than parks or courts

It’s very nice that Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez is putting $5 million more into our public parks and $2 million more into animal services and $1 million aside for a summer jobs program for needy youth. What Gimenez didn’t say at his big reveal of the 2015-16 budget Tuesday is that he also wants to […]

Miami-Dade: Carlos Gimenez saves us — from himself

Miami-Dade: Carlos Gimenez saves us — from himself

Everyone in Miami-Dade County can sigh a breath of relief! Mayor Carlos “Cry Wolf” Gimenez has saved the day! There will be no further cuts to services and personnel, no more “sacrifices” asked of our loyal county employees, no more library closings. In fact, 10 of the 20-some libraries closed two days a week will […]

Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez is fined for loanshark lies

Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez is fined for loanshark lies

Nothing really happened when Hialeah Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez swore to tell the whole truth and then testified in court that he was, indeed, a loanshark charging illegal interest rates in a shadow banking industry ruled by Hialeah politicians. He was either past the statute of limitations or granted immunity for his testimony against former […]

Doubletake: David Richardson jumps back to House for 2016

Doubletake: David Richardson jumps back to House for 2016

State Rep. David Richardson is delaying his bid for the Florida Senate seat in the best indication so far that rumors of Sen. Gwen Margolis‘ retirement are greatly exaggerated. Richardson (D-Miami Beach) may have bee under the impression in January that Margolis was not going to run for re-election when he opened an account for the […]

David Richardson to Pam Bondi: Cost of fighting equality?

David Richardson to Pam Bondi: Cost of fighting equality?

State Rep. David Richardson (D-Miami Beach) wants to know what the Sunshine State spent fighting equal marriage rights for the past several years. Richardson wrote to Attorney General Pam Bondi Thursday and asked for “a full accounting” of the amount of taxpayer money and resources her office spent on numerous appeal to prohibit gay marriage — until […]