The third debate for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination Wednesday seems to have been the best showcase so far for the differences between the self-proclaimed conservative candidates who want the White House. Sure, every single one of the A candidates (we’re not even counting the Happy Hour debaters) is the “only one up here” to do […]
The bromance of a century is over. Here is a “Dear John” letter from soccer star David Beckham to Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez, intercepted by Ladra before it made it to the 29th floor at County Hall. And I just had to share. Dearest Carlos: When we first met almost two years ago, you filled […]
We’re drawing a close on the first month of campaign finance reporting for Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez and the camp is really pressing to show a big start. Don’t know why. He already has raised $1.6 million in his Miami-Dade Residents First PAC (and spent $300K of that), and we don’t even know how many […]
We have just a week to go for the Miami Beach elections that should usher in a brand new, strings-free majority that would not be beholden to any one person and would bring individual and independent thought and experience to a commission that really needs it. Lucky for all democracy loving people, the election is […]
So there is finally a doable plan to build a stadium and bring a David Beckham‘s dream Major League Soccer team to Miami and everyone can celebrate. Well, almost everyone. Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez aka “King Petty” isn’t as excited as the rest of us. In fact, he’s pissed off. You might be, too, if after […]
There are still a whole lot of voters who are undecided about who to pick in the Nov. 2 Miami Beach election. But among those who are, Mayor Philip Levine holds a tiny two point edge over opponent David Wieder. Except with Spanish speakers, who apparently prefer Wieder to the incumbent. These are the findings […]
Miami Beach Commission candidate Mark Samuelian is on a roll. After getting the coveted endorsement of longtime city activists Frank and Marian DelVecchio, Samuelian announced Saturday that he also had the support of former Commissioner and preservation hero Nancy Liebman. The campaign sent an email Saturday from Liebman, who served from 1993 to 2001, is a […]
Absentee ballots dropped in Miami Beach this week and that means that the temperature has gone up in the four races that could effectively put a new majority on the city commission. The candidates know this. And Mayor Philip Levine and his slate of pocket rubber stampers have been desperately trying to cling on to […]
Don’t expect the first Democratic presidential debate Tuesday night to light a match to the two GOP grudge matches that have already come and gone and gained record ratings for Fox and CNN. Hillary Clinton is just not as entertaining as Donald Trump. And Bernie Sanders isn’t quite as fiery a speaker as Marco Rubio. […]
Immigrant rights groups are not only angry that there is new legislation in Tallahassee that would make it a felony for illegal immigrants to stay in Florida after they get deportation orders. They are also upset that the bill’s champion is a Cuban-American from Miami. And they are comparing Rep. Carlos Trujillo (R-Doral) to GOP […]