A weak, wounded Annette Taddeo is prime for a primary

A weak, wounded Annette Taddeo is prime for a primary

We may actually have a Democratic primary in South Florida’s favorite congressional district this year, thanks to the Florida Supreme Court’s new maps that made District 26 a little bluer. But is wannabe candidate Andrew Korge the best we can do? Korge put a trial balloon in the air with a Miami Herald reporter, leaking […]

South Miami: Horace Feliu strikes first with email

South Miami: Horace Feliu strikes first with email

Former South Miami Mayor Horace Feliu, who filed last week to run against incumbent mayor Philip Stoddard, has striken first with an email blast that gives voters — and the rest of us — a look see into the main issue of his campaign: Development. Or overdevelopment, as he sees it. “Our quality of life is […]

Juan Zapata draws anti incorporation challenger for 2016

Juan Zapata draws anti incorporation challenger for 2016

Miami-Dade Commissioner Juan Zapata drew his first challenger this week when a man named Felix Lorenzo filed against him. And he’s running an anti-incorporation campaign. Lorenzo, 75, told Ladra that he decided to run so that he could block the incorporation efforts of two areas in District 11 that want to become their own municipalities. […]

Wayne Slaton, Ceasar Mestre go for Miami Lakes mayor

Wayne Slaton, Ceasar Mestre go for Miami Lakes mayor

Miami Lakes Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi may have gotten his seat back after a protracted court battle. But he’s going to have to campaign hard to keep it. Pizzi, who is widely expected to file for re-election, already has two challengers — former Mayor Wayne Slaton, who was removed from office after Pizzi was acquitted […]

Coral Gables ‘Paseo’ project up for final approval Tuesday

Coral Gables ‘Paseo’ project up for final approval Tuesday

The controversial, mixed-use Paseo de la Riviera project — which would turn the Holiday Inn on U.S. 1 into a massive, highrise condo with a retail complex — is coming up for final approval before the Coral Gables commission Tuesday and it promises to be a long and heated debate. Preliminary approval came after an […]

Raquel Regalado’s drops 1st mailer — a family holiday hello

Raquel Regalado’s drops 1st mailer — a family holiday hello

Coming this week to some mailboxes near you: A holiday greeting from Miami-Dade School Board Member Raquel Regalado. But you can bet that it won’t be sent to just the voters in her school district as this becomes the first 2016 mayoral mailer in Regalado’s bid to unseat incumbent Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez. Sure, there […]

Marco Rubio comes home to low-key gig for neighbors, pals

Marco Rubio comes home to low-key gig for neighbors, pals

It’s more of a homecoming than any other South Florida event. Because when Sen. Marco Rubio greets 500 or 600 or so people at the community center in West Miami Saturday morning, he’ll be talking to neighbors and friends and the people who voted for him the very first time he ever ran for office. “It […]

Former South Miami Mayor Horace Feliu wants old job back

Former South Miami Mayor Horace Feliu wants old job back

Former South Miami Mayor Horace Feliu filed for election to his old seat Friday against incumbent Mayor Philip Stoddard. Feliu told Ladra that he had been watching the development in the small city with a wary eye but that he made up his mind about the race after the police shooting last month of a […]