Some say ‘Bye Marco, Hello Hillary’ because #NeverTrump

Some say ‘Bye Marco, Hello Hillary’ because #NeverTrump

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that Hillary Clinton, who Ladra has absolutely no love for, is going to go down in the books as the Democratic Party nominee elected president with the most Republican votes in U.S. history. Not because of people like me. Yeah, the self-admitted Marco Rubio […]

Miami-Dade: Body cameras won’t stop shootings, deaths

Miami-Dade: Body cameras won’t stop shootings, deaths

Ladra loves police body cameras. I mean, what’s not to like? We have the technology to capture the cops interacting with victims and culprits and it gives us a glimpse into both how hard their job is and how some of them may abuse their role. It serves as a deterrent to both the officer, […]

FIU student prez, county mayor keep pushing to evict Fair

FIU student prez, county mayor keep pushing to evict Fair

Just as the Dade County Youth Fair is set to start its annual three-week carnival on March 17, FIU has a new champion for it’s delayed and struggling plans to expand onto property currently occupied in a rock solid lease by the Dade County Youth Fair and Expo: The student government president at the Tamiami […]

Patient Ralph Rosado re-launches Miami commission bid

Patient Ralph Rosado re-launches Miami commission bid

If good things truly come to those who wait, then Ralph Rosado may just be in luck. Rosado announced recently that he was running for the Miami city commission seat now occupied by Commissioner Francis Suarez, who has not announced yet but is expected to run for mayor since he is termed out and can’t put […]

Juan Cuba is back with Dade Dems in time for Hillary

Juan Cuba is back with Dade Dems in time for Hillary

Eight months ’til the general election and local Democrats decided that they need Juan Cuba is back at the helm of the Miami-Dade party. Cuba, who had served as executive director for two years before leaving in 2014 to be a political strategist for the Service Employees International Union, was back on the job this […]

Election 2016: Finally, Jeb Bush says goodbye to Jeb!

Election 2016: Finally, Jeb Bush says goodbye to Jeb!

After taking five whole days to lick his wounds, Former Gov. Jeb Bush — who dropped out of the Republican presidential race after he came in fourth in South Carolina Saturday — sent an email Wednesday thanking supporters for sticking by his lazy, Eyeore self and defending his lackluster campaign. It’s probably the last email […]

Miami congressional caucus shifts support to Marco Rubio

Miami congressional caucus shifts support to Marco Rubio

Three Miami congress members will basically eat crow today when they formally endorse Sen. Marco Rubio in the GOP presidential primary. Marquito wasn’t their first choice. But U.S. Reps. Carlos Curbelo, Mario Diaz-Balart and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen suddenly find themselves without a candidate in the race, since their loser pick, former Gov. Jeb Bush, withdrew Saturday after […]

FL26: Joe Garcia goes from zero to hero in 60 seconds

FL26: Joe Garcia goes from zero to hero in 60 seconds

Poor Annette Taddeo. She must be pulling her hair out and/or crying her eyes out. Former Congressman Joe Garcia jumped into the race less than three weeks ago and already he looks like the front runner. First, he releases an internal poll that shows him with a double digit lead over his one-time BFF. Okay, […]

Community meetings in Miami Beach, Coral Gables

Community meetings in Miami Beach, Coral Gables

Your voice apparently matters. There are several community meetings and charrettes going on in different municipalities asking for the public feedback on important issues or projects. Anti-development commissioner hosts forum Coral Gables Commissioner Jeannett Slesnick is hosting a citizens’ forum called “Cranes, codes and collaboration” to discuss the development booming all around the City Beautiful. Slesnick, […]

Presidential absentee ballots drop today to 157,000+ voters

Presidential absentee ballots drop today to 157,000+ voters

Coming to a mailbox near you: Absentee ballots for the March 15 presidential primary. Miami-Dade County Elections Department dropped more than 157,000 ABs in the mail today (Tuesday, Feb. 16) to voters with a request on file. The county encourages these people to be on the lookout for their ballot in the mail. Ladra encourages […]