Finally, one of the infamous rivalries in Doral is going to battle on the ballot: Former mayor J.C. Bermudez and Councilwoman Sandra Ruiz both want to be the mayor. Bermudez announced last month — though he has been rumored to be mulling it over since a poll showed him blowing Boria out of the water […]
Close to 19,000 voters in Miami Lakes will get a ballot in the mail in the next couple of days that could change the way the city governs for years to come. Ten charter amendments — not one, not two, but 10 — are on the ballot that are due back by May 17. It almost […]
After returning from his vacation with fellow totalitarians Fidel and Raul Castro, Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine wants to invite his new friends back home for a barbarian barbecue. So he’s floating the idea of opening a Cuban consulate office in his city. Some people are not so eager to welcome that. There was a small […]
Former Miami-Dade Commission Chairman Joe Martinez may jump into his third race since leaving office to run for mayor unsuccessfully in 2012. And, no, he’s not running for Congress again. Martinez wants his old job back. He is seriously considering a run against Commissioner Juan Zapata for his old District 11 seat. “I have it under […]
It’s going to be a busy week for Republican checkbooks. We’ve got at least four fundraisers planned this week, two for Tuesday and two for Wednesday, for GOP candidates in state House and Senate races. First up is former Congressman David Rivera. We already told you he’s back, running now for the seat abandoned by […]
Former Congressman David Rivera is going back to his roots. Rivera told everyone earlier this month that he was running for state House in the seat abandoned by Rep. Frank Artiles (R-Kendall), who is leaving his final term to run for the Senate. There’s even a kick-off fundraiser Tuesday at one of his old haunts, […]
Why is everybody so shocked that U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo said he would vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump? Ladra is not surprised. No, it is not because there are a bunch of other Republicans who are casting protest #NeverTrump votes for that evil woman they can’t stand to even look at. Yes, it’s […]
That was quick. The race between Sen. Anitere Flores (R-Kendall) and Democrat challenger Andrew Korge, son of lobbyist and big national Dem fundraiser Chris Korge, is the first this year to go negative. That means that, officially, the state campaigns have begun. Occupy Democrats, a national advocacy group that pushes blue candidates, released a video […]
We all know that Frank Artiles plans to run for the Senate against incumbent Dwight Bullard. The question is “Why?” He has another term in the House left so why would he risk a sure thing for a seat that that went to President Barack Obama by 7 points in 2012? Well, because redistricted seat […]
Even though the challenge was looming, we knew it was coming for sure when Sen. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla (R-Coral Gables) and State Rep. Jose Javier Rodriguez (D-Little Havana) were invited as guests to speak about the just-ended legislative session on WPLG’s This Week in South Florida — and it turned into sort of a debate. […]