Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez will lead another dog and pony show today. Or should we call it a dog and cat show? The opening of the new animal services shelter in Doral is 12 years late, since voters approved it in 2004, but comes less than two months before absentee ballots drop in a hotly […]
Everybody is wondering if the news Thursday that Sen. Gwen Margolis was withdrawing her re-election bid and retiring will cause Andrew Korge to switch seats again to the first one he looked at way back before he was a congressional candidate even. Or if it is causing State Rep. David Richardson (D-Miami Beach) to take […]
Despite having Democratic opponents in a Hillary presidential year, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Florida are endorsing two Republican incumbents in this year’s election: Sens. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla and Anitere Flores. They’ve also endorsed Sen. Rene Garcia, but that’s different. Garcia has no opponent. Miguel DLP and Flores, however, are […]
Miami-Dade Commission Chairman Joe Martinez may have learned something from his last two campaigns: how to go negative. Martinez refused to attack Carlos Gimenez, who he was running for mayor against, with the absentee ballot fraud committed by the Gimenez campaign in 2012. He refused to go negative against any of his primary Republican opponents in […]
Apparently, he is serious. Former Congressman David Rivera, old “King Nine Lives” himself, is really running for the seat in State House district 118, vacated by Rep. Frank Artiles‘ dash to a Senate race (more on that later). On Monday, Rivera turned in signatures to qualify by petition. The Florida Division of Elections allows candidates to […]
Not all Hispanics are offended by billionaire Donald Trump’s comments about Mexicans and stance on immigration. In fact, some Latinas just love him. And they will show their love at a Latinas For Trump event in Brickell Tuesday. Organized by Denise Galvez of Go To Marketing, the event is not a Trump campaign paid event. He is […]
An effort to officially name the neighborhood known as Little Haiti has drawn a bit of controversy as it goes before the Miami city commission on Thursday. Again. Haitian leaders have been wanting this recognition for years. They say the area deserves to have its cultural and historical impact acknowledged. But some residents and activists […]
Riding high off recent poll results that show him the clear frontrunner, former Congressman Joe Garcia — who wants his job back and is running against his former friend Annette Taddeo in the Democratic primary — will open his campaign headquarters in Palmetto Bay Saturday, where the village’s old town hall used to be. This is […]
Miami Lakes voters were in a giving mood this week, saying yes to and overwhelmingly passing every single one of the 10 charter amendments proposed to them — most of which take powers away from the mayor, making it a mostly ceremonial position. They also made Mayor Michael Pizzi‘s re-election pretty much a pipe dream. […]
Every day now, Ladra hears the same ol’ thing, like an echo: “Joe Martinez is going to file today.” The rumor going around for weeks now is that Martinez, the former Miami-Dade County Commission chairman who lost a mayoral bid in 2012, is going to run against Commissioner Juan Zapata for his old seat. Las […]