Miami GOP draws first blood on Joe Garcia in FL26

Miami GOP draws first blood on Joe Garcia in FL26

Ouch! It didn’t take long for the Miami-Dade Republican Party to lash out at former Congressman Joe Garcia, who announced Wednesday that he was going to run for his old seat again, which he lost in 2014 to a Miami-Dade School Board member named Carlos Curbelo. Within hours, the @MiamiGOP had tweeted a photo collage of headlines […]

Musical seats game on as Joe Garcia jumps in FL26 race

Musical seats game on as Joe Garcia jumps in FL26 race

Looks like Annette Taddeo won’t have to worry about Andrew Korge, son of Democratic fundraising powerhouse Chris Korge, running against her in the congressional primary for District 26. Because he got scared away by Joe Garcia. So, now all Taddeo has to contend with is the former Congressman, a one-time friend and ally, who has apparently […]

Watch as Uber’s intimidating tactics catch fire

Watch as Uber’s intimidating tactics catch fire

The ride sharing companies who have been operating illegally for two years in Miami-Dade got their first step toward legalization last month when county commissioners gave preliminary approval to an ordinance that would regulate these companies, but barely. But something else happened at that Jan. 20 meeting: A new strategy was born for getting your […]

Juan Zapata’s ‘West End’ is criticized — with poetry

Juan Zapata’s ‘West End’ is criticized — with poetry

Weak. That’s what Michael Rosenberg thinks of “West End,” the catchy neighborhood name that Miami-Dade Commissioner Juan Zapata came up for his West Kendall/Hammocks district. Rosenberg, president of the Kendall Federation of Homeowners Associations and the founder and executive director of the Pets’ Trust, didn’t like the way Zapata just changed the name of his […]

Gimenez on Matthews: Campaign optics, not leadership

Gimenez on Matthews: Campaign optics, not leadership

Breaking news: Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez is Cuban again. Gimenez wrote a letter to TV show host and author Chris Matthews Thursday blasting the political pundit, host of MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews, for his comment about a boring GOP debate without Donald Trump. “Whose going to watch a debate between the two Cuban guys,” […]

All about the optics: Cops ‘graduating’ class is just for show

All about the optics: Cops ‘graduating’ class is just for show

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez is all about the optics. Under fire on an election year for letting the police department get dangerously understaffed, Gimenez will attend a ceremony Thursday for the “largest graduating class” of police officers. But like a lot of other things the mayor does, it’s not entirely true and mostly for show. […]

More protesters than audience at Carlos Gimenez SOTC

More protesters than audience at Carlos Gimenez SOTC

If you take away the employees who had to be there — the deputy mayors, the directors and assistant directors, the police command staff — and the mayor’s family, the press and the family members of the three employees he decided to highlight in his State of the County address, the lobbyists and the students […]

Carlos Gimenez: Same ol’, same ol’ at SOTC (enter year here)

Carlos Gimenez: Same ol’, same ol’ at SOTC (enter year here)

Wednesday morning, some of us heard another State of the County address that sounded a lot like the last State of the County address a year ago. Maybe that’s why there were almost more people outside protesting the mayor (more on that later) than inside listening to him talk and talk and talk. It’s almost […]

County commission says adios to local Cuban consulate

County commission says adios to local Cuban consulate

Hey, President Obama: We don’t want your stinkin’ Cuban consulate here. Okay? Let the spies go to Tampa or Key West. That’s what Miami-Dade Commissioners told the leader of the free world last week when they voted to approve a resolution that urges the federal government to seek another location for a consular office to […]

County moves special taxing district funds to cities’ control

County moves special taxing district funds to cities’ control

As part of the effort to right the ship with the special taxing districts that were getting charged too much or too little, county commissioners will consider on Wednesday a move to put the control of those neighborhoods — and their special taxing monies — in the hands of municipalities.  Not only will cities and […]