Uber as public transit is a bad, temporary band-aid

Uber as public transit is a bad, temporary band-aid

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez has siphoned (read: stolen) monies from the People’s Transportation Plan, approved by voters to build MetroRail extensions, and used it for operation costs. He raised bus fares in 2013 from $2 to $2.25 when he bought $40 million worth of new buses. And he has cut bus operations by $3 million […]

Andrew Korge could make anyone a Frank Artiles fan

Andrew Korge could make anyone a Frank Artiles fan

One of the scariest things that could happen Tuesday is that Trust Fund Baby Andrew Korge could actually win a seat on the Florida Senate. God help us all. Because he really doesn’t deserve it. Not only has Korge done nothing at all notable in his short adult life but live off his Papi’s millions, […]

School Board upset? Holloway has a real race on his hands

School Board upset? Holloway has a real race on his hands

There may be an upset in the race for Miami-Dade School Board District 1, which encompasses Miami Gardens, Carol City and North Miami. The race for District 7 is pretty much sewn up. Unfortunately, Aster Bato Mohammed is no match for Lubby Navarro, the school board lobbyist appointed by Gov. Rick Scott two years ago […]

Why Carlos Gimenez should not have four more years

Why Carlos Gimenez should not have four more years

Carlos Gimenez is not the man I voted for in 2011. The man we once considered an outsider on the dais, the voice of the people, has turned into the consummate inside deal broker, a man so entrenched in special interests and corrupt that his best friend and campaign finance chair has a $200-an-hour county […]

Carlos Gimenez lies and cheats to keep control of billions

Carlos Gimenez lies and cheats to keep control of billions

Three times in one week, Miami-Dade Carlos Gimenez‘s secret non-profit has paid for robocalls to tens of thousands of voters saying that Raquel Regalado committed fraud. It’s a lie. So is the robocall saying she’s had to pay some elections violation fine. So is the mailer saying the Miami-Dade School Board member has been absent […]

Zika politics: State House candidate has repellent wristbands

Zika politics: State House candidate has repellent wristbands

The latest turn in the Zika politics trend is a trinket: A citronella repellent wristband that will be distributed at select polls Tuesday by State House 115 Democrat candidate Ross Hancock. “Because who couldn’t foresee long ago that Miami-Dade voters would be exposed to mosquitoes,” Hancock asked. Um, everybody else. Even Mayor Carlos Gimenez, whose […]

Beware of Carlos Gimenez Jr at Gables school board forum

Beware of Carlos Gimenez Jr at Gables school board forum

The city of Coral Gables will host a candidate forum Wednesday with the four people running for Miami-Dade School Board in District 6, which includes The City Beautiful. Ladra hopes that Carlos “CJ” Gimenez, the mayor’s quick-tempered son, won’t be there just to scare off the candidates who are not his aunt, Maria Teresa Rojas. […]

In 115 primary, Ross Hancock is best bet against Bileca

In 115 primary, Ross Hancock is best bet against Bileca

Both the Democrats in the primary race for the seat in State House district 115 are similar in that both are well-liked gringos, perennial candidates who have run before and who are running wholly positive campaigns. In fact, some people who know them both are having a hard time making a choice. But if the end […]

After stalling, Miami-Dade commission to meet on ballot issue

After stalling, Miami-Dade commission to meet on ballot issue

Imagine this: A bi-partisan group of leaders and activists from different social and economic backgrounds get together and decide they are going to step up. They are going to do what they can to stop the growing influence of special interest money in political campaigns. They write a petition and thousands of volunteers spend three […]