The Cortadito Calendar: Tuesday is going to be a busy day

The Cortadito Calendar: Tuesday is going to be a busy day

The Coradito Calendar is getting fatter already, just in its third week. And it is thanks to many of you readers who emailed me and messaged me with events that you think should be included. So they are. Please keep ’em coming. Government meetings are easier to find and politicians promoting themselves at holiday basket […]

Sasha Tirador may be losing her touch with absentee ballots

Sasha Tirador may be losing her touch with absentee ballots

Tuesday night’s loss in Doral was double whammy for political consultant Sasha Tirador, who worked for both incumbent Mayor Luigi Boria and council candidate Adriana Moyano, who both lost their runoff elections. The victories by their opponents — JC Bermudez and Claudia Mariaca, respectively — was pretty solid, and that includes very comfy leads in […]

Voters replace Luigi Boria with first mayor, J.C. Bermudez

Voters replace Luigi Boria with first mayor, J.C. Bermudez

Doral’s founding mayor, who served from 2003 until he was termed out in 2012, was sent back to City Hall Tuesday by voters who connected to his getting Doral “back on track” message — and who tossed out an incumbent that had waged a particularly nasty campaign. J.C. Bermudez won with a whopping 67 percent, a […]