Protesters have demands for Carlos Gimenez on sanctuary

Protesters have demands for Carlos Gimenez on sanctuary

Somewhere around 300 immigrant advocates and social justice activists from more than a dozen organizations descended on Miami-Dade County Hall Tuesday afternoon to protest Mayor Carlos Gimenez‘s about-face on complying with federal immigration detention orders at the local level. And they want him to take it back. Last week, Gimenez instructed the director of the county’s Department […]

Joe Garcia to join Carlos Gimenez protesters at County Hall

Joe Garcia to join Carlos Gimenez protesters at County Hall

Former Congressman Joe Garcia will join others at County Hall this afternoon to protest Mayor Carlos Gimenez‘s directive last week to have illegal immigrants who are arrested for other crimes detained for federal immigration proceedings. “While I’m a good friend of Mayor Gimenez’s, I think this is a mistake,” Garcia told Ladra Tuesday morning. “Hopefully, […]

Levine Cava questions Gimenez on sanctuary about-face

Levine Cava questions Gimenez on sanctuary about-face

And what else might the mayor give up to Trump? Miami-Dade Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava is pushing back on the mayor’s decision last week to kowtow to Donald Trump and betray not only the immigrant community in Miami-Dade but all of us. She’s the only one. So far, anyway. But her questions could put the issue […]

Doral to seek nearly $4 mil in state funds for infrastructure

Doral to seek nearly $4 mil in state funds for infrastructure

The city of Doral needs about $3.8 million in state funds to finance or complete several different projects that are already approved and address some of the city’s biggest issues: traffic and flooding. These include storm water improvements to mitigate persistant problem flooding, the stabilization of canal banks, the widening of 87th Avenue, a pedestrian/cyclist […]

The Cortadito Calendar starts February off right — or left

The Cortadito Calendar starts February off right — or left

Is it February already? Holy moly! Time flies even when we’re not having fun. Last week was momentuous, not just from the stuff we knew was going to happen, like the megamall approval by the Miami-Dade Commission, but from the stuff we didn’t, like the sanctuary cities buckle by Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez, which may […]

Carlos Gimenez betrays our community for Donald Trump

Carlos Gimenez betrays our community for Donald Trump

Once again, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez is going to be on the wrong side of history. Thursday’s decision to kowtow to the petulant policies of our new president, Donald Trump, is a new low for Gimenez, who has instructed the corrections department to start detaining illegal immigrants that are arrested on unrelated crimes until federal authorities […]

American Dream moves along without any ifs, ands or buts

American Dream moves along without any ifs, ands or buts

As expected, the American Dream megamall project passed its first hurdle — if one can even call it a hurdle — at Wednesday’s meeting of the Miami-Dade County Commission as they voted to move forward with a proposd change to the county’s Comprehensive Development Master Plan that would allow the development of the massive retail […]

Miami Lakes mayor wants a piece of American Dream pie

Miami Lakes mayor wants a piece of American Dream pie

Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid believes the American Dream mega mall have a bigger impact on his town than anywhere else. And, so, he thinks they should be compensated. Cid wrote a letter last month to Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez and Chairman Esteban Bovo stating his desire to have not only 100 percent of the impact […]

American Dream megamall seeks first county approval

American Dream megamall seeks first county approval

Plans for the Amerian Dream megamall — billed as the largest retail center/amusement park in the U.S. — will go before the Miami-Dade County Commission for the first time Wednesday as they seek changes to the county land use and development master plan maps. And the two big topics will be traffic and tax breaks. […]