Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez is termed out and cannot run for another term. So says a lawsuit filed Monday by a former mayor that seeks to keep him off the ballot this November. Hernandez was council president and automatically became the mayor when former Mayor Julio Robaina resigned in May 2011 to run for Miami-Dade […]
Summer is coming. As we enter the last full week of May, we realize that the usual summer political doldrums should not hold true this year, since we have the special eletion in Senate District 40 to keep us entertained as well as municipal elections in the county’s four largest cities just gearing up. But Miami-Dade […]
Holding up signs that said “Liar, liar” and “Resign now” in both English and Spanish, a group of Republicans protested in front of Democrat State Rep. Daisy Baez‘s Coral Gables home Monday morning — the one that sits outside the district she was elected in — and demanded she resign from office. Baez lives in House […]
Carlos Gimenez cronyism could cost us future millions Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez and his pals on the county commission are trying to sell us a bridge. Not just any bridge. His buddy’s bridge. Recent hand-wringing over the selection of a firm to design and build an iconic, new signature bridge over Biscayne Boulevard along I-395 […]
Legislator admits she doesn’t sleep in District 114 State Rep. Daisy Baez announced Friday that she was dropping out of the Democratic primary to replace former Sen. Frank Artiles in District 40. But, maybe Baez should resign from the legislature altogether. That’s not only because she still lives outside the district — admitting to Ladra on […]
After having been part of the 2016 presidential campaign, Latinas For Trump co-founder Denise Galvez, a Miami mom with a boutique marketing shop, wants to run for Miami city commission. Galvez filed paperwork earlier this month indicating she intends to run as Denise Galvez Turros in District 4, which is the seat Commissioner Francis Suarez […]
Another elected office is suddenly going to be prematurely vacant soon: Miami Lakes Vice Mayor Tony Lama is expected to resign in July to move to Seattle for a plum job at Amazon dot com. But the replacement will be an appointee until the next election in Miami Lakes, which is not until 2018. Lama, first elected in […]
It has to be the biggest host committee in formation list that Ladra has ever seen and far too many people to name them all here. But among the most notable “young professionals” hosting a fundraiser Thursday night for Commissioner Francis Suarez‘s bid for Miami mayor are Congressman Carlos Curbelo, Coral Gables Commissioners Vince Lago, […]
It’s always the cover up that gets ’em. We all know that Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez is a big, fat liar. It’s documented. He was caught when he testified in the tax evasion trial of former Mayor Julio Robaina admitting that he charged 36% interest on a personal loan, something he had repeatedly denied publicly […]
Turns out Glenn “The Goon” Rice, the political black ops soldier who did Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez‘s dirty work for years, was indeed paid with city funds, supposedly for odd jobs for the public works and human resources departments — and through the lawfirm of a sitting Miami Lakes councilmember — during part of his time as […]