Carlos Gimenez qualifies with wrong name check for Congressional bid

Carlos Gimenez qualifies with wrong name check for Congressional bid

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez reportedly qualified for the Republican Congressional primary in District 26 because he filed his paperwork on time, before the deadline at noon on Friday. But could a typo kick him off the ballot? Florida statute 99.061 requires a federal candidate to submit “a properly executed check drawn upon the candidate’s campaign account” for […]

Miami-Dade transit workers finally get COVID19 protection, riders get relief

Miami-Dade transit workers finally get COVID19 protection, riders get relief

Miami-Dade County is finally taking some small steps to control the coronavirus spreading petri dishes that they call buses: providing masks to all employees, limiting the number of passengers allowed on board — signs on the seats will tell riders where they should sit — and suspending low-use routes with overlapping services while adding more […]

Miami-Dade’s Steve Bovo passes Cuba COVID travel ban, ignores Hialeah

Miami-Dade’s Steve Bovo passes Cuba COVID travel ban, ignores Hialeah

Miami-Dade Commissioner Esteban “Stevie” Bovo got his colleagues on county commissioner to approve urging the Federal Aviation Administration to prohibit travel to and from Cuba due to the coronavirus cases on the island. They also urged Gov. Ron DeSantis to issue an executive order imposing isolation and quarantine on airline travelers to Florida from Cuba. Maybe Bovo […]

Miami-Dade commission’s first post COVID19 meeting is virtual, very full

Miami-Dade commission’s first post COVID19 meeting is virtual, very full

Miami-Dade commissioners will meet Tuesday for the first time since the COVID19 pandemic pretty much shuttered and cancelled everything, including the March 17 commission meeting. One might think it’s all going to be about the coronavirus numbers and the local government’s continuing response to its threat on our county, which is Florida’s epicenter, with 4,146 positive […]