Where to drop absentee ballots today

Where to drop absentee ballots today

If you still have your hands on an absentee ballot, you should know that your time to mail it in has well passed. However, now that early voting is over too, you can no longer drop off your ballot at a drop-box across those 33 early polling sites. Now there are only four locations where […]

Brandon’s ballot guide for Nov. 3 2020

Brandon’s ballot guide for Nov. 3 2020

Brandon Rosado, Ladra’s cachorro intern, has a keen eye for campaigns and elections. He wanted to provide his own analysis of his ballot for our readers. So just in time, without any further ado (and tiny bit of editing for syntax, not style or substance), is Brandon’s ballot picks for Tuesday’s elections — from top […]

Corrupt Carlos Gimenez suppressed early voting by nixing arena polling site

Corrupt Carlos Gimenez suppressed early voting by nixing arena polling site

UPDATED: Surprise, surprise. The cancellation of the American Airlines Arena as an early voting location was most likely done at the behest Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez, a suddenly-Republican congressional candidate who would gain from suppressing the blue vote there. According to a story by the Miami Herald published late Friday, the Miami Heat had pretty […]