Ladra has provided this space to republish a blog post by Hialeah Police Officer Antonio “Sergeant” Luis about alcaldito Carlos Hernandez’s proposal to fire 105 of 271 firefighters — which puts patrol officers at risk. The whole thing can be found at, but here are a couple of the best graphs: “Afternoon shift two major traffic […]
Let’s add another tall tale to the long list of lies Hialeah’s alcaldito Carlos Hernandez wants to feed his constituents: The firefighters threatened with mass firings want to raise taxes and won’t make a deal. What a crock from the man they call “the Rock.” But get used to it. He is truth challenged. The […]
Sasha Tirador hunting forclients at a recent meeting. Who would have thought that the two warring sides in the Hialeah elections could sit down to a cafecito at Chico’s on West 12th Avenue over race relations? Not Ladra. But that is what happened Saturday afternoon when former councilman and candidate Alex Morales — who is […]
The proposed 2011-2012 Hialeah budget is an almost two inches thick and divided into sections that lay out the plan to operate the city’s departments and services with $263.4 million. But it is so full of holes that it shouldn’t weigh as much as it does. Only about $115.6 million is in the general fund, […]
Hialeah’s alcaldito Carlos Hernandez and his yes council would have people believe that they have to fire almost half the city’s firefighter paramedics to balance the budget without raising taxes. But a closer look at the city’s checkbook may indicate that what they really want is to take money from the fire department budget so […]
There was a large crowd Saturday at the grand opening of the campaign headquarters for Hialeah’s unelected alcaldito Carlos Hernandez and his Yes Crew Minus One. But even if it ws just the immediate families of the five incumbent candidates there would have been a big crowd. Still, two people were very conspicuously MIA from […]
Longtime Hialeah Planning and Zoning Board member and council candidate Ramiro Sicre sat on a bench on the third floor outside the clerk’s office at City Hall Friday afternoon and waited. And waited. And waited. Sicre, sitting here next to former councilwoman Cindy Miel, who filed to run against Council President Isis “Guttergirl” Garcia-Martinez in […]
On the eve of the grand opening for the West 12th Avenue campaign headquarters he shares with three of the four council incumbents (more on that later) on the November Hialeah elections, there appears to be a question as to whether Hialeah Alcaldito Carlos Hernandez can even run in the mayoral race. Oh, Hernandez qualified […]
The first endorsement is out in the Hialeah mayor’s race — which is becoming more contentious (read: interesting) by the day — and the firefighter union’s pick of former mayor Raul Martinez is both surprising and expected. It may surprise those who remember Martinez’s reign and hostile “If-you-don’t-like-it-here-go work-at-the-city-of-Miami” rapport with the firefighters that the […]
Hialeah council candidate Frank Lago resigned from his job as chief of staff to Sweetwater Mayor Manny Maroño this week in order to concentrate on the campaign. But the permanent exit — Lago took a leave of absence earlier this year to run for Miami-Dade Commissioner Esteban Bovo’s vacated state house seat (R/District 110) — […]