She threatened to get involved in the county’s judicial races and now Absentee Ballot Queen Sasha Tirador has made good on that. But she is not the only piece of the Hialeah political machine driving the candidacy of former Hialeah cop John “Johnny” Rodriguez, who is Miami Lakes Vice Mayor Cesar Mestre‘s law partner. Standing […]
While most of the post election talk in Hialeah has centered around the victims of Mayor Carlos Hernandez and his vengeful abuse of power, there are some (like the new police chief) who have benefited from their new boss. But nobody won the lotto like Arnie Alonso, photographed here nodding for the mayor during early […]
While Hialeah Councilwoman Vivian “I’ll notarizethat!” Casals-Muñoz has publicly denied any ties to su alcaldito CarlosHernandez in her re-election campaign, she has openly maintained a beneficialrelationship with former Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina, her one-timebrother-in-law, freelance banking business partner and political mentor. Robaina has helped her raise funds and has voiced support in robocalls and radio ads. […]
While all eyes are on the possible mayoral endorsement in the Hialeah runoff election and who former State Sen. Rudy Garcia — the third place finisher — will eventually back (if he backs anyone), council candidate endorsements are already being sought and traded. And there are a couple of surprises, but let’s go with the […]
As if his alcalditowear has something more than a nostalgic and comic value, Hialeah’s alcaldito Carlos Hernandez went bonkers Saturday — the last day of early voting at the JFK library — when he saw me walking by with one of his campaign t-shirts. “She stole my shirt. Call the police,” he told his assistant, Arnie […]
The campaign must be taking a toll on su Alcaldito Carlos Hernandez. While he has been perfectly coifed lately, and is known to use Grecian Formula or L’oreal or some such product to color his hair, Hernandez had some very evident gray roots showing Thursday as he trolled, er, I mean strolled around the parking lot at […]
While the Back to the Future crew, under the leadership of former Mayor Raul Martinez, have shunned funds from the maquinita industry, there is one slate mate who has jumped ship: former Mayor Julio Martinez, once a foe now a friend, has taken at least $1,500 from companies with maquinita permits who have also donated […]
Two weeks after that infamous lunch with senior residents from public housing at IHOP — you know, where Alcaldito Carlos Hernandez insulted balseros and divorced women and Council President Isis “Gavergirl” Garcia-Martinez had a hissy fit when we caught her in a blatant lie — we still don’t know what the real cost was and who paid for […]
Just when you thought the election season in Hialeah could not get more surreal, the Seguro Que Yes council passed su alcaldito Carlos Hernandez’s bogus 2011-2012 city budget Wednesday night calling for the illogical and unnecessary termination of 105 of 271 firefighter paramedic positions despite a packed house of protestors and a barrage of honest, researched, logical and impassioned pleas from residents, employees, […]
We saw this coming. We told everyone that this alarmist threat to fire 105 of 271 firefighter paramedics in Hialeah was blackmail, or extortion (you pick your term), and that the very politicians who proposed it would come in at the 11th hour with a salvation plan or last-minute Holy Mary pass. But I didn’t […]