Faced with unwavering opposition from residents, the Palmetto Bay Village Council voted unanimously Monday night to deny an application to develop the old Burger King headquarters on Old Cutler Drive into 485 units with 68,000 square feet of retail, including maybe a grocery store and pharmacy. The owner’s promise to donate 22 acres of undevelopable […]
Condo reform, critical race theory, abortion and more There’s always a theme to the Florida legislative session, and especially among the Miam-Dade delegation of state representatives and senators. This year, bills about condo safety, education and oversight are all the rage, thanks to the tragedy at the Champlain Towers in Surfside, where 98 people died […]
The city of Miami has an employee flight problem. It begun two years ago when Commissioner Joe Carollo forced the resignation of former City Manager Emilio Gonzalez and, like a virus, has had several mutations and variants since. New acting planning director Jeremy Gauger, who was the deputy and had taken over after Francisco Garcia […]
City commission could give attorneys new direction A Miami-Dade judge last week refused to dismiss a case against the city of Coral Gables, saying the attorney and administration had no right to make massive changes without public input to a planned development that turned a restaurant into a WaWa. The Wednesday court debate also indicates […]
Don’t put those masks away just yet. New variants and increased activity bourne from the confidence of mass vaccinations and lower infection rates have led to another surge in COVID cases nationwide. And Miami-Dade, where there are six confirmed cases of the omicron variant so far, is no exception. The seven-day positivity rate that was […]
Four Democrat Florida legislators are hoping to update the state’s 30-year-old hate crime law this session, adding to the list of potential victims. Sen. Tina Polsky (D-Boca Raton) and State Rep. Emily Slosberg (D-Boca Raton) want to include government, public and private organizations to the list. Sen. Lori Berman (D-Delray Beach) and State Rep. Joe […]
Two Democrat legislators have filed an appeal of last session’s controversial House Bill 1, the so-called “anti-riot” law, which was pushed by Republicans to punish Black Lives Matter protesters and chill free speech. Sen. Shevrin Jones (D-Miami Gardens) and State Rep. Angie Nixon (D-Jacksonville) have filed companion bills last week — in collaboration with The […]
Miami city commissioners reversed themselves Monday when they put electric share scooters — which had been banned 10 days earlier — back on certain urban streets, mostly in the downtown and Brickell area. Commissioner and Chief Scooter Critic Manolo Reyes doesn’t want them in Flagami. He also was the only dissenting vote on the 3-1 […]
It happens every year. Elected officials glom onto the efforts of local organizations and food banks to give turkeys and other Thanksgiving trimmings to Miami-Dade residents. This has always seemed like a desperate and, frankly, pathetic publicity stunt to garner favor with voters and even local media. Miami-Dade Commission Chairman Jose “Pepe” Diaz partnered with […]
This is the second time in less than a month that Political Cortadito writes about an upcoming zoning request before the Miami-Dade Commission to build 550 homes on the abandoned Calusa Golf Course, which has turned into an organic natural preserve that his home to endangered wildlife. Because the commission deferred the request last month. […]