Palmetto Bay Council denies Village Center plan to build 485 homes, retail

Palmetto Bay Council denies Village Center plan to build 485 homes, retail

Faced with unwavering opposition from residents, the Palmetto Bay Village Council voted unanimously Monday night to deny an application to develop the old Burger King headquarters on Old Cutler Drive into 485 units with 68,000 square feet of retail, including maybe a grocery store and pharmacy. The owner’s promise to donate 22 acres of undevelopable […]

Florida legislative session started — here’s what local lawmakers are up to

Florida legislative session started — here’s what local lawmakers are up to

Condo reform, critical race theory, abortion and more There’s always a theme to the Florida legislative session, and especially among the Miam-Dade delegation of state representatives and senators. This year, bills about condo safety, education and oversight are all the rage, thanks to the tragedy at the Champlain Towers in Surfside, where 98 people died […]

Lawmakers aim to expand hate crimes vs entities, women, trans and disabled

Lawmakers aim to expand hate crimes vs entities, women, trans and disabled

Four Democrat Florida legislators are hoping to update the state’s 30-year-old hate crime law this session, adding to the list of potential victims. Sen. Tina Polsky (D-Boca Raton) and State Rep. Emily Slosberg (D-Boca Raton) want to include government, public and private organizations to the list. Sen. Lori Berman (D-Delray Beach) and State Rep. Joe […]

Legislators file appeal of HB1 anti-free speech bill passed post BLM protests

Legislators file appeal of  HB1 anti-free speech bill passed post BLM protests

Two Democrat legislators have filed an appeal of last session’s controversial House Bill 1, the so-called “anti-riot” law, which was pushed by Republicans to punish Black Lives Matter protesters and chill free speech. Sen. Shevrin Jones (D-Miami Gardens) and State Rep. Angie Nixon (D-Jacksonville) have filed companion bills last week — in collaboration with The […]

Another Thanksgiving means another bunch of turkeys giving away turkeys

Another Thanksgiving means another bunch of turkeys giving away turkeys

It happens every year. Elected officials glom onto the efforts of local organizations and food banks to give turkeys and other Thanksgiving trimmings to Miami-Dade residents. This has always seemed like a desperate and, frankly, pathetic publicity stunt to garner favor with voters and even local media. Miami-Dade Commission Chairman Jose “Pepe” Diaz partnered with […]

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